Choose A Baseball Drill Below

The Rhythm of Three Drill
This video explains the Rhythm of Three Drill, an offseason hitting drill for baseball players that will help add explosive power and leg drive to your swing.
Equipment Used: Kbands
New Dynamic Warmup For Speed
Looking for a new warm-up? This dynamic warm-up is great for football track and baseball.
Equipment Used: Kbands
KB Powerbands Shoulder Progression
Build shoulder strength and stability with the KB Powerbands Shoulder Progression Workout. Enhance your offseason training or warm up before throwing easily and effectively.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Off Day Agility Exercises
Use this drill on your off days to help increase your speed and agility as a high school baseball player.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Glove
Best Baseball Speed Drills
Baseball players looking to improve both linear and lateral speed and quickness need to incorporate these baseball speed drills into a training routine. These drills help athletes enhance that speed by adding tremendous amounts of strength and control to the hips and legs.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Glove
Best Exercise For Baseball Speed Training
Use this baseball speed training drill to improve transitional efficiency on the base paths. This transitional speed and efficiency will increase the amount of extra bases taken, while limiting the amount of times runners are thrown out.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Burn and Read Catching Drill
Coaches should utilize this little league baseball drill to help young baseball players gain the focus and speed to perform under pressure situations. This youth baseball drill is easy to set up and can be performed in a group or individual settings.
Equipment Used: Baseball, Glove
Speed and Agility Station
Speed and agility station for in season baseball.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Best Workout Routines For Sports Teams
Perform these KB Powerband workout routines to improve functional strength, shoulder stability, and rotational power. These drills use multiple athletes making them great for team or small group workouts.
Equipment Used: Baseball, Glove
How to Throw a Baseball
This drill breaks down the mechanics of the throw into five distinct stages, and divides the exercise into five parts that focus on each one. This drill can allow baseball coaches to correct throwing problems early, especially in younger players.
Equipment Used: Baseball, Glove
Baseball Ladder Footwork Drills
Baseball players can use this Power Icky Shuffle with the Speed and Agility Ladder to perform both resisted and unresisted sets of this footwork drill. Athletes will build strength in their legs and speed in their feet when they use this exercise along with other resisted ladder exercises.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Ladder
Exercises To Increase Bat Speed
Use the Victory Ropes Shuffle Torque Drill for a high tempo rotational power drill. Athletes, specifically baseball players, can use this drill to increase their hip speed and bat speed.
Equipment Used: Victory Ropes
Overspeed Agility Training Exercises
Any athlete who needs great footwork and explosive movements to excel in their sport can benefit from performing overspeed training with the Reactive Stretch Cord. This equipment allows partners and coaches to provide a varied amount of resistance and assistance to challenge athletes as they perform speed and agility training.
Equipment Used: Reactive Stretch Cord
Baseball Workout For Leg Strength and Power
Use this resisted baseball drill to improve fielding, balance, and acceleration. Athletes can perform this leg strength and power drill in a team or small group setting.
Equipment Used: Kbands
How do I Increase my Speed to First Base
Ball Hamstring Exercise used to increase hamstring activation. The burnout phase will ensure those legs are ready for rapid turnover, which is essential for acceleration to first base.
Equipment Used: Kbands Stability Ball
How to Increase Your 60 Yard Dash
To increase maximum sprinting speed athletes should switch from the 40 yard dash to the 60 yard dash. Adding 20 yards will allow athletes to reach top speed and maintain it over a short distance.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Increase Speed For Stealing Second Base
Stealing second base is an essential part of the game of baseball. Begin building hip flexor strength and power with the Baseball Speed Wall Drill to improve your ability to steal second base.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Resistance Bands Workout | Dynamic Plank Extensions
Athletes looking for major gains in their abdominal strength need to incorporate the Kbands Dynamic Plank Extension into their training routine. This dynamic ab exercise will challenge athletes overall core strength, increase full body strength, by forcing multiple muscle groups to complete resisted tasks in unison.
Equipment Used: KB Powerbands
Best Pitching Drills For Strength and Explosiveness
To be a successful pitcher athletes must increase the power generated by the legs, abdominal muscles, and shoulders. These youth pitching drills provide a variety of baseball exercises which can be utilized by any athlete of any age or skill level.
Equipment Used: Kbands, KB Powerbands
RSC Sliding Planks
Competitive athletes looking to continue to excel in their given sport need to utilize core strength exercises a minimum of 3-4 times per week. Strengthening the core allows the body to be more powerful and will translate into greater success during competition.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Ladder
Increase Foot Speed | 1-2-3 Reaction Pro
Increase your reaction time to the ball. 1-2-3 Reaction pro will help develop the foot speed needed to get in position. With faster footwork you will see more accurate throws and more range.
Equipment Used: Reactive stretch Cord
Chaos Ladder Drill Catches
Athletes should utilize this sports training reaction drill to improve hand eye coordination and reaction time while focusing on body positioning. The Chaos Ladder Drill Catches will use outside stimuli to challenge an athletes ability to focus on multiple parts of the body working together.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Chaos Ball
Balance Exercises | RSC Stability Catches
Balancing is an effective and often overlooked attribute associated with a high level of athleticism. In order for athletes to have success in their sport they must continually strive to improve and strengthen their balance.
Equipment Used: Reactive Stretch Cord
RSC Transitional Speed Drill
Utilizing assistance with sprints will allow athletes to utilize overspeed training to increase reaction and sprint times. Utilized with the RSC Fast Hands Drill, baseball players will be able to enhance their ability to make a diving play, recover, and make a quick accurate throw.
Equipment Used: Reactive Stretch Cord
KB Powerbands Planked Lat Pull Downs
Athletes looking to increase back strength need to check out the Planked Lat Pull Downs. This unique exercise incorporates resistance bands and a plank variation to challenge the lat and back muscles in a completely different and challenging way.
Equipment Used: KB Powerbands
Fielding Ground Ball | Kbands FSB’s
Utilize this baseball fundamentals drill to improve athletic ability to field ground balls. Practice proper body positioning with resistance to achieve greater muscle activation and improve lateral movements.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Chaos Ball Drop and Catch Drill
Utilize Chaos Balls and reaction drills to enhance athletes hand eye coordination. These unique training tools will challenge athletes ability to recognize what is happening in front of them, quickly react to this outside stimuli, and keep good body positioning.
Equipment Used: Chaos Ball
Get In Front of The Ball – What’s New?
Hand and footwork for ground ball drills in baseball are a necessity. The best did not become the best overnight. It takes practice and more practice to learn to automatically field a short hop, field forehand or backhand the ball.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Kbands Lateral Pickups
Full body drills which challenge hand eye coordination are the best way to increase an athletes fielding abilities. Added resistance makes the lateral pickups a great way to build lateral speed and quickness.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Judging Fly Balls in The Outfield is an Art
Outfielding in baseball is often underestimated. Many people have the misconception that anybody can catch a fly ball. Learn some great drills for improving speed, footwork and range.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Leg Strengthening Power Broad Jumps
Baseball players need to focus on training for power to increase velocity and hitting distances. Utilizing resisted and assisted broad jumps will help baseball players dramatically increase their power.
Equipment Used: Reactive Stretch Cord
RSC Power Turns
More powerful swings come from powerful rotational movements with the hips and abs. To strengthen and increase the power of rotational movements, such as swinging a baseball bat, athletes need to incorporate the RSC Power Turns into a regular training regiment.
Equipment Used: Reactive Stretch Cord
Hurt or Sore – There is a Difference
Baseball player’s need to know the difference between a sore shoulder and a hurt shoulder. Shoulder aches and pains are common for baseball players, but a hurt shoulder means there is an injury.
Equipment Used: Partner
Throwing C's
The Kbands Throwing Cs drill emphasizes core strength, balance, arm position before the pitch, and correct mechanics during the release.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Speed 101 Training Program
Increase Your speed to second, range as an infeilder or outfeilder and explosiveness today. Speed 101 will help take your performance to the next level.
Equipment Used: Kbands
5 Step Pitching Build Up
Both advanced and beginner baseball players can make strong improvements in pitching technique by paying close attention to this drill.
Equipment Used: Kbands, KB Powerbands
Hitting Mechanics
Proper hitting mechanics can mean the difference between consistent, forceful connection and repeated strikeouts. Follow along with the video to learn more about each stage of the swing and the technique that can take your game to the next level.
Equipment Used: Bat, Tee
Kbands Quick Step Sprints
For greater speed athletes need to utilize exercises and drills which challenge their coordination and foot speed. Increased foot speed helps with top end speed as well as quickness and agility.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Best Baseball Fielding Drills
Come join the Kbands Baseball Academy to improve on important baseball skills like catching and fielding. Utilize resistance, with unique fielding drills, to help improve speed as well as play making ability.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Windup Mechanics
Baseball pitching mechanics can be divided into two categories: the stretch and the wind up. This tutorial discusses the wind up, which is a faster pitch delivered with the hitter in mind.
Equipment Used: Baseball
Pitching Stretch Mechanics
Successful baseball pitching requires more than just speed and accuracy. It also includes a diverse range of skills that can generate the highest number of outs.
Equipment Used: Baseball
Flat Ground Pitching Mechanics
Pitching drills like this flat ground drill can help baseball players to adjust the angle of the ball while still maintaining speed and accuracy. Younger players can practice this drill at a position close to the plate, while experienced players back up to distance of about 45 feet.
Equipment Used: Baseball
Throwing Arm Stretches
Every baseball player uses their arm and shoulder to play. No position is exempt from throwing. Taking care of the throwing arm and shoulder will help keep a player on the field instead of on the injured reserve list.
Equipment Used: Stretching Strap, Towel
Core Strength For Hitting and Pitching
This set of baseball exercises can help players develop the core strength that supports powerful hitting and fast pitching.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Baseball Hitting Drills | High Knee Drill
Baseball hitting drills like this high knee drill can add force and power to any baseball swing.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Throwing a Baseball: Reverse Pitching Drill
Throwing a baseball with speed and accuracy requires balance and explosive energy in the core and lower body. Baseball pitching drills like the Kbands reverse thrower can help develop both.
Equipment Used: Kbands, KB Powerbands
Baseball Footwork Can Make or Break You
Momentum matters when it comes to a baseball player’s infield footwork. Great footwork in baseball must become second nature for an infielder in order to be successful.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Cones
Resistance Bands Core Stability Walking Lunges
The lunge variation to obtain a complete body workout that also challenges the core and breaks from the traditional lunge routine. This is a great workout for teams or small groups to use during training for any sport.
Equipment Used: Kbands, KB Powerbands
The One Time in Life When It’s Alright To Steal
Stealing a base could be the difference in the game. It puts a runner in to scoring position or breaks up the possibility of a double play.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Cones
Power Leg Drive for Baseball Players
In order to learn how to hit a baseball farther and harder, it helps to visualize two things: rotational power, and a stable foundation to support the rotating motion. Exercises like the ones in this video can help players concentrate on these aspects of hitting technique while building power.
Equipment Used: KB Duo
The Perfect Baseball Swing: The Glide Step Drill
The perfect baseball swing begins with balance and alignment in the hips, feet and lower body. Baseball hitting drills like the glide step drill in this video can help players maintain control while placing explosive force behind the ball.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Happy Gilmore Baseball Hitting Drill
In an ideal swing, these elements begin with strong control over a well-grounded lower body. In this drill, Matt Johnson takes players and coaches through the two phases of the Happy Gilmore Drill, an exercise that generates concentrated power from the ground up and helps players deliver that power into the ball.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Tee
Strong Arms = Strong Throws
There are ways to prevent shoulder injuries and to reduce the stress that is put on a baseball player’s throwing shoulder and arm. Arm strength is key. Improve arm strength and improve overall performance.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Strength Training and Fastball Velocity
Increase the velocity of your fastball by focusing on strength training, conditioning and technique. Proper strength training can also help you avoid injuries that can set your fastball back.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Cones
Pitcher and Quarterback Workouts
Try these moves if you’re a pitcher or quarterback looking for ways to increase your body control and throwing speed on the field.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Increase Speed and Agility | Cone Drill FX
Build quicker acceleration and deceleration will Cone Drill FX. With Cone Drill FX you will focus on running form, footwork and dynamic quickness.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Cones
Chaos Power Three Drill
Athletes wanting to improve hand eye coordination should perform the Chaos Power Three Drill. This baseball drill will move athletes through different game like scenarios by forcing athletes to field tricky ground balls from different positions.
Equipment Used: Chaos Ball
Improve Flexibility – Baseball Dynamic Warm Up
Increase the blood to the legs with a dynamic warm-up using Kbands to improve performance. Kbands resistance training will allow baseball players to become more explosive by working all the muscles instead of just the large ones.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Increase Baseball Core Strength
Whether you are a catcher, pitcher, outfielder or infielder core strength is the key. Power is generated through the shoulders to the arms through the core. Find ways to strengthen your core to become a better baseball player.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Baseball Strength Conditioning
Are you looking for a way to generate more strength in order to be explosive on the field and at the plate? Kbands training offers enhanced workouts to strengthen and condition baseball players.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Stability Ball
Baseball Success Is In The Arm of The Beholder
Baseball arm care is more than just a suggestion, it is a necessity. An arm or shoulder injury could cost you more than a few games; it could cost your career. Learn great Kbands exercises for great arm care.
Equipment Used: KB Powerbands
The Benefits of Resistance Training and Baseball
When an athlete has weak glutes they run into many inefficiencies with these particular movements. Athletes must train in a sports specific fashion, as well as a general skill building fashion. Building a baseball, or softball, player's speed, agility, and core strength will take that player to the next level.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Resisted Power Jump Combo | Baseball Plyometrics
Baseball players looking to increase their vertical jumping ability, quickness on the base paths, and more accurate throws with a higher velocity should incorporate the Kbands Resisted Power Jump Combo in their regular workout. Athletes will see great development in their leg drive and increase in speed within the first ten yards by implementing these plyo exercises.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Baseball RSC Fast Hands
Athletes looking for indoor baseball drills should utilize the RSC Fast Hands Drill in a regular training routine. This upper body, plyometric drill utilizes the Kbands Reactive Stretch Cord (RSC) to increase balance and speed while moving laterally. This will decrease the time it takes a baseball player to field a ball, remove it from the glove, and release the ball.
Equipment Used: Reactive Stretch Cord
Increase Baseball Core Strength | Kbands Dynamic Trio
Baseball players are constantly looking for ways to increase pitching velocity and hitting speed. Baseball players can make immense improvements to their hitting and pitching by increasing baseball core strength. Baseball players can simultaneously work through three core exercises to challenge their abs and improve their rotational power and control by implementing the Kbands dynamic trio.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Reactive Stretch Cord Power Drop Sets
Athletes looking to incorporate overspeed and overload training into one baseball agility drill need to utilize the Reactive Stretch Cord Power Drop Sets during regular training sessions. This unique baseball agility drill allows baseball players to utilize resistance and assistance, combined with different running angles, to challenge athletes and maximize their speed and agility training.
Equipment Used: Reactive Stretch Cord
Baseball Hands and Foot Speed Drill
The Baseball Hands and Foot Speed Drill is a great way for baseball players to increase their quickness on the infield. While quickly moving laterally to enhance muscle activation with Kbands, baseball players will improve their skills greatly.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Resisted KB Powerbands Partner Externals
Preventing injuries is the main focus of a dynamic warmup. If a baseball player is hurt or experiencing pain in the shoulder region it will lead to more serious injuries in the future if it is not addressed as soon as possible. The Resisted KB Powerbands Partner Externals is a great way to prevent shoulder injuries and fatigue and will help maximize training time and performance during competition.
Equipment Used: KB Powerbands
Rotational Hitting Drill
It's time to focus on rotational hitting power with this drill. Power is created from the ground up and this Rotational Hitting Drill will be a foundation for building more power.
Equipment Used: KB Powerbands
Baseball Mobility 40’S Fielding Drill
The baseball Mobility 40's drill is a great way for baseball players to build transitional footwork. Utilize this video demonstration to better your skills laterally, as well as front to back.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Kbands Baseball Leg Strength Lunge Combo
In baseball leg strength is essential for athletes to be successful. Baseball players will be able to gain strength and power in the upper legs and hips by incorporating the Kbands baseball leg strength lunge combo. Additional strength will translate into more force being exerted on a ball being thrown or a bat accelerating through the strike zone.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Y Outfield Drill
Learn how to catch a ball hit over your shoulder like Willie Mays. The Y Drill will help build the proper arm action as well as reading the baseball in the gap.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Cones
Resisted Partner Rotations
Baseball players looking to improve all aspects of their game should incorporate the KB Powerbands Resisted Partner Rotations into a regular training regiment. This simple core strength exercise will allow baseball players to see major improvements in hitting, pitching, and fielding plays.
Equipment Used: KB Powerbands
Read and Recovery Outfield Drill | Baseball Speed
Baseball players looking to make more plays in the outfield need an outfield drill which challenges and improves change of direction, running mechanics, and leg drive. The Read and Recovery Drill is a great baseball speed drill which utilizes resistance to help athletes focus on body and foot positioning while improving leg and hip strength.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Glove, Partner
Victory Ropes Power Training
Build explosiveness in your stride with the Victory Ropes Power Trainer. With resisted drag sprints and activation lunges you will build strength and power in your hips and core leading to power off the ground during your start and help to create an efficient stride length.
Equipment Used: Victory Ropes
Conditioning Doubles Training
Build endurance and condition your muscles for competition with the Victory Ropes Conditioning Doubles Digital Trainer. With 40 feet of resistance, using two Victory Ropes, you will be able to train multidirectional movements efficiently.
Equipment Used: Victory Ropes
Base Running Drills | RSC Baseball Sprint Out’s
Baseball and softball athletes should utilize the RSC Baseball Sprint Out’s in their training sessions to improve base stealing skills. This drill will train athletes to reach maximum speed quicker and be more efficient with their body movements throughout the sprint.
Equipment Used: Reactive Stretch Cord
RSC Power Broad Jumps
Baseball players need to focus on training for power to increase velocity and hitting distances. Utilizing resisted and assisted broad jumps will help baseball players dramatically increase their power.
Equipment Used: Reactive Stretch Cord
Shakedown Drill For Infield and Outfield
Baseball and softball players looking to improve fielding abilities and footwork need to implement this baseball workout into a regular training routine. This baseball drill uses game like scenarios to help athletes master their footwork while fielding.
Equipment Used: Kbands, Cones
Baseball Chaos Wall Ball Drill
Coaches and athletes should utilize the Chaos Wall Ball Drill to help athletes improve fielding skills. This indoor baseball drill will challenge baseball players lateral movements, footwork, and body positioning by simulating ground balls coming at different angles and different speeds.
Equipment Used: Chaos Ball
Power Position Sliders
A great way to build balance and stability throughout your throwing motion is with the Power Position Sliders. With a combination of resisted repetitions and un-resisted reps baseball players will build the skills they need to increase their pitching velocity and accuracy.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Reactive Stretch Cord Assisted Partner Sprints
In order to increase sprinting speed, stride length and stride frequency must be increased. This sprinting workout provides an opportunity for an athlete to improve on both stride length and stride frequency. By performing partner sprints with the Kbands Reactive Stretch Cord, athletes are able to perform assisted sprints while being pulled (stride frequency) and an overload sprint pulling partner (stride length).
Equipment Used: Reactive Stretch Cord
Catcher Pop Throws
Utilize catching drills to train athletes to be efficient when moving from the crouched catching position into a strong, accurate throwing position. Teach athletes how to move their bodies while in the crouching position.
Equipment Used: Glove, Partner
Stability Pro Training
The Stability Pro Digital Trainer is designed to focus on shoulder stability and core strength. By moving through a range of motion drills and stability holds each athlete will maximize the muscle activation and stabilization while building their core and shoulder strength to improve their athletic performance.
Equipment Used: Stability Ball
Core Stability Training
Build strength throughout your core and hips with the Stability Ball Core Digital Trainer. Challenge your body with exercises like the Ab Rollers, Dynamic Stability Crunches, and Oblique Twists.
Equipment Used: Stability Ball