Improve Your Roundhouse Kick
The execution of an effective roundhouse kick will depend on balance, coordination, and a powerful delivery. With that in mind, the best martial arts training drills involve controlled reps that break each element of the kick down into a single motion.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Three Step Tornado Kick Drill
Beginning with simple outside knee raises and progressing to the full Tornado Kick, the Tornado Kick is broken down into three separate kicking drills which will help you learn how to improve your Tornado Kick.
Equipment Used: Kbands
How To Complete A Tornado Kick
Students learning how to do a tornado kick will benefit from extensive practice. This video demonstrates the fundamentals and basic moves of the tornado kick so these practice sessions can stay focused and on track.
Equipment Used: Kbands
360 Crescent Kick
Practicing the 360 crescent kick with resistance, provided by Kbands, can help martial artists to be more explosive and achieve greater kick force in their martial arts kick. Form is extremely important in the execution of the 360 crescent kick.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Spinning Hook Kick Drill
The resistance added to the Spinning Hook Kicks forces the martial artists to keep a tight chamber and think about their hip placement throughout the martial arts resistance bands drill. The added resistance, along with focus on the chamber and hips, will allow for maximum power from their Spinning Hook Kick.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Tournament Training
When it comes to martial arts training, Kbands resistance training bands can offer two distinct advantages to tournament performance.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Turning Kick Balance Drill
In Tae Kwon Do and many other martial arts, the success of a kick comes from two things: power and control. Power starts in the center of the body, in the muscles of the hips and core. And control begins with balance, which also starts in the center.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Improve Chamber Kick With Kbands
This video explains how the resistance of the Kbands can add power and balance to the chamber kick. Build more powerful chamber kicks today with kbands.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Resisted Chambered Side Kick Drill
Effective training begins with a mastery of fundamental kicks. These kicks include the chambered side kick, a powerful motion that comes from the core and delivers force through the impact of the heel. This drill will improve balance and build strength and control into the delivery of the kick.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Build Power With The Kneeling Chamber Kick
For martial artist to enhance the strength and power produced by their karate kick power from the chambered position need to be increased. By kneeling on the ground and performing the kick, athletes will be able to focus on power as they drive through their karate kicks.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Martial Arts Warm Up
Before any sustained, intense martial arts workout, students should start the process with a martial arts stretching and warm up routine that limbers the joints and activates the muscles. A series of martial arts stretch moves like the ones in this video can help increase blood flow and loosen ligaments.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Hang Time Drill
The best way for a mixed martial artist to gain Hang Time on their aerial kicks, is to strengthen your jump by adding more power and explosiveness. Once athletes have complete muscle activation they will see a huge gains in their martial arts training.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Kids Martial Arts Drill | Front Snap Kick
The best kids martial arts drills are instructional drills, broken down so younger athletes can master each step of the kids martial arts drill. The Kbands will strengthen athletes their hip drive and improve kick force.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Kicking Foot Position Drill
In mixed martial arts there is a great deal of emphasis placed on kicks and striking with the legs. The most important factor when learning how to kick in martial arts is foot position. Proper kicking foot position can be obtained by practicing two simple drills.
Equipment Used: Kbands
Victory Ropes Power Training
Build explosiveness in your stride with the Victory Ropes Power Trainer. With resisted drag sprints and activation lunges you will build strength and power in your hips and core leading to power off the ground during your start and help to create an efficient stride length.
Equipment Used: Victory Ropes
Warrior Rope Training
Take your training to a higher level with the Victory Ropes Warrior Workout. With explosive Battle Rope Slams and Single Arm Whips you will feel the burn and build upper body strength and enhance your core stability. Take the warrior challenge.
Equipment Used: Victory Ropes
Force Training
Take your conditioning to a higher level. The Victory Ropes Force Digital Trainer will challenge athletes of all ages through resisted core strengthening exercises. Force will increase your endurance quickly.
Equipment Used: Victory Ropes
Stability Pro Training
The Stability Pro Digital Trainer is designed to focus on shoulder stability and core strength. By moving through a range of motion drills and stability holds each athlete will maximize the muscle activation and stabilization while building their core and shoulder strength to improve their athletic performance.
Equipment Used: Stability Ball
Core Stability Training
Build strength throughout your core and hips with the Stability Ball Core Digital Trainer. Challenge your body with exercises like the Ab Rollers, Dynamic Stability Crunches, and Oblique Twists.
Equipment Used: Stability Ball