
Victory Ropes Bear Crawl Shuffles | Full Body Workout Routine

Victory Ropes Bear Crawl Shuffles | Full Body Workout Routine

Utilizing full body movements during training is a great way for any athlete to increase their overall strength and body control. By forcing the body to move as one, athletes will be able to train their central nervous system to fire the muscles in synchronization. This creates more muscle stimulation as well as training the body as it moves as one.

Full body workout routines are also a great way to include a reasonable amount of aerobic exercise into a training session since more muscle activation and energy is required to have all of the body’s muscles working and firing together. Forcing the abs and low back to hold and regulate these movements will help athletes, such as basketball or soccer players, who must have excellent body control to avoid defenders during game play.



Since athletes will be performing two different movements during the Victory Ropes Bear Crawl athletes will be able to give their upper or lower body a slight rest during one portion of the full body workout routine while still being able to go full speed on each part of the aerobic exercise. This allows athletes to continue to get stronger while improving overall conditioning.

Setting Up And Executing The Victory Ropes Bear Crawl Shuffles

Athletes will need 7 Speed and Agility Cones, 2 Victory Ropes, and a partner to complete the Victory Ropes Bear Crawl Shuffle. Athletes will place 5 of the Speed and Agility Cones in a “U” shape with 2-4 feet in between the Speed and Agility Cones. One Speed and Agility Cone will be placed in the center of the formation with 2 Speed and Agility Cones on each side slowly angling back toward the partner performing the lateral shuffle portion of the full body workout routine. Placing the Speed and Agility Cones at various depths will help to increase the amount of body control needed by the athlete as they move side to side, as well as up and down to complete the full body workout routine. Athletes will place the remaining 2 Speed and Agility Cones 8 yards apart approximately 20-28 feet behind the “U” cone set up.

Before beginning the full body workout routine athletes will need to spend a few minutes and connect the Victory Ropes. Attaching the Victory Ropes together will allow the athletes more room to work with and not limit the space the athletes are able to move during the aerobic exercise. Connecting the Victory Ropes will also allow athletes to place the Victory Ropes around their waist and utilize their entire body in this full body workout routine. Athletes will attach the Victory Ropes by feeding one Victory Rope through the opposite Victory Ropes anchor strap, anchor straps located at the end of each Victory Rope, then loop the same Victory Rope through one of its own anchor straps and pull the Victory Ropes tight. Athletes will then attach the Victory Ropes around their waist by grabbing the middle of each Victory Rope and feeding it through the remaining anchor strap and placing this loop around their waist as a belt.

Once athletes have the Speed and Agility Cones and Victory Ropes prepared one athlete will line up between the two Speed and Agility Cone set up as the other athlete gets on their hands and knees, lining up at the Speed and Agility Cone located in the middle of the “U” Speed and Agility Cone set up. Athletes will both be facing the same direction with the athlete shuffling side-to-side looking at the back of the athlete performing the bear crawl shuffles.

On a verbal cue the athlete standing on their feet between the two Speed and Agility Cones will quickly begin to laterally shuffle between the cones while the athlete in the bear crawl position will bring their hips up off the ground and laterally bear crawl between the five cone set up. Athletes will perform the full body workout routine for 20-30 seconds and switch positions with their partner at the end of each round. This switch will allow athletes to recover the portion of their body which was used on the previous portion of the full body workout routine while still moving and working the opposite half of the body during the second portion of the aerobic exercise. Athletes will perform 6-8 sets on each portion of the full body workout routine.


Strength And Conditioning With The Victory Ropes


Keep Good Form While Performing the Victory Ropes Bear Crawl Shuffle

In order to properly work the shoulders, hips, and core athletes will need to maintain proper body positioning while moving through the bear crawl portion of the full body workout routine. Athletes should work to keep their hips from sinking down by keeping the abs and the shoulders tight. Proper hip placement during the aerobic exercise will allow athletes to hold a large amount of this tension in their abs while helping to avoid any low back pain or discomfort. If athletes feel their low backs tighten up they should think about trying to slightly raise their butts into the air and squeezing with their abs. Athletes also need to keep shoulders strong by pinching the shoulder blades together while their arms are extended. This will keep the shoulders stable and help athletes avoid pain or tightness in their necks or shoulders.

Athletes need to work at a quick pace during this full body workout routine so their conditioning can be properly taxed. The effectiveness of this aerobic exercise depends on athletes challenging themselves and working to push the pace of this full body workout routine.

Continue To Get Stronger With Strength Training

Athletes can continue to build functional strength in their upper body by utilizing back, chest, and arm workouts with the KB Duo. Athletes can continue to build lateral strength by utilizing, hip, leg, and core exercises with the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands. Both of these products have a multitude of strength training drills and exercises, which will add greater strength and body control to athletes in any sport.

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