‏High Speed Training | Kbands Ladder Chute Drill

‏High Speed Training | Kbands Ladder Chute Drill

Published by Trevor Theismann on 6th Dec 2021

Effects Of Speed Training

High speed training effects the body at the muscular, nervous system, and cardiovascular levels. Each of these levels rely on the other to help athletes maintain high bouts of speed during competition and training. The effects of speed training and high speed training at the muscular level force greater strength to be build in the muscles of the legs, thighs, and hip flexors in order to produce more force off the ground during high intensity sprinting or plyometric drills.

‏Effects of speed training, particularly high speed training, on the nervous system have to do with the speed at which the mind is able to tell the muscles of the desired limb to move. If the mind can quickly tell a strong portion of the body to move quickly then greater power and explosiveness will be experienced by the athlete.

‏The cardiovascular system is trained to intake larger amounts of oxygen during high speed training. This higher oxygen intake will help the body utilize more fat as a fuel source, expel unwanted material from the body (used during the utilization of carbohydrates as a fuel source), and help to increase the duration and intensity of high speed training and high intensity bouts of exercise.

‏The effects of speed training on these three areas of the body is a main contributor for the necessity of high speed training during individual and team training sessions.

How Do Parachutes Work To Increase Speed

‏The effects of speed training tools like the Top End Speed Running Parachute are beneficial for athletes of any age or skill level. The Top End Speed Running Parachute provides a unique form of resistance which differs from resistance during other high speed training which utilizes tools like the Victory Ropes, KB Duo, or Kbands Leg Resistance Bands. Where the previously mentioned speed training tools use resistance composed within the equipment itself (resistance bands, resistance harness) the Top End Speed Running Parachutes use the resistance which is created by the athlete during their high speed training.

‏When athletes drop the parachutes behind them in the upcoming high speed training drill they will feel the parachutes catching the air as the athlete accelerates forward. The faster the athlete accelerates forward the more air will be caught in the Top End Speed Running Parachute creating more drag and resistance for the athlete performing the high speed training drill.

‏This unique form of resistance and the effects of speed training drills which incorporate the Top End Speed Running Parachute lets athletes push the limits of their high speed training while making the speed drills individually challenging for each athlete.

Top End Speed Running Parachute

High Speed Training With The Kbands Ladder Chute Drill

‏To perform the Kbands Ladder Chute Drill athletes will need 1-2 Top End Speed Running Parachutes, 1-3 Speed and Agility Cones, and a Speed And Agility Ladder. Athletes will lay the Speed and Agility Ladder flat on the ground and then attach the Adjustable Belt, sliding the D-Ring to the center of the body. Younger, less experienced athletes can use one Wind Expansion Parachute, whereas, more advanced athletes should use two Wind Expansion Parachutes to challenge the speed and strength during their high speed training. Athletes will place one of the Speed and Agility Cone 3-5 yards past the end of the Speed and Agility Ladder.

‏Athletes need to make sure that the location of the Kbands Ladder Parachute Drill is sufficient to complete the Speed and Agility Ladder portion along with the resisted sprinting portion of the high speed training. Athletes will need a space that has 30-40 yards of open space for the athlete to sprint down. Athletes will place the remaining 1-2 Speed and Agility Cones 20-30 yards away from the other Speed and Agility Cone.

‏To begin the Kbands Ladder Chute Drill athletes will begin at the end of the Speed and Agility Ladder, opposite the side with the Speed and Agility Cone, hold one or both parachuted in one of their hands and perform any number of Speed and Agility Ladder Exercises. Athletes can choose between high speed training adder exercises like the Icky Shuffle, Lateral High Knees, or any number or ladder drills. Athletes can go to the Training Section to learn about different speed ladder exercises which can be performed with the Kbands Ladder Chute Drill.

‏After the athlete has moved past the Speed and Agility Ladder they will plant their foot, round the Speed and Agility Cone, release the Wind Expansion Parachutes, and sprint past the opposite Speed and Agility Cone. After each repetition is completed athletes need to make sure the Wind Expansion Parachutes are not tangled before performing the next repetition.

Efficient High Speed Training

‏Athletes will perform 8-10 resisted rounds of the Kbands Ladder Chute Drill, being sure to alternate which direction the athlete is facing during the speed ladder portion of the drill and which way the athlete plants and turns into the sprinting portion of the high speed training. After athletes have completed all resisted repetitions of the high speed training they will remove the Top End Speed Running Parachute and perform 4-5 unresisted repetitions of the high speed training, alternating which direction the athlete is moving.

‏As athletes move through the speed ladder and resisted sprinting portion of the high speed training drill it is important athletes and coaches are focusing on maintaining proper running form. Working off the balls of the feet, working through the dig phase with a low chest, and performing quick and powerful leg movements will all help the athlete turn this high speed training drill into increase sprinting speed during competition or games.

‏Athletes who wish to move into the advanced stages of the Kbands Ladder Chute Drill can also add Kbands Leg Resistance Bands to this high speed training drill. Implementation of the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands into the high speed training drill will help to recruit more muscle activation in the thighs and hip flexors making for quicker and more powerful movements with the legs.

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