How Do I Fix Bad Shoulders From Working Out-Kbands Live 154

How Do I Fix Bad Shoulders From Working Out-Kbands Live 154

Published by Trevor Theismann on 22nd Nov 2021

How Do I Fix Bad Shoulders From Working Out-Kbands Live 154

Shoulder pain can dramatically change your workout routine. It can limit your range of motion during your workouts. It could cause you to avoid certain exercises you used to perform easily and with no pain. If you have worked out long enough you know the difference between muscle soreness from working out and muscle pain, associated with an injury that needs to be addressed. Shoulder pain, initially, is caused from some kind of tightness or impingement in the joint. When addressed early the pain will go away and you can get back to your normal workout routines. Watch the video to get information on exercises and warm-ups that can be completed to help prevent or rehab a bad shoulder. Complete Kbands Live Fitness 154 to improve the health of your shoulder and the surrounding muscles and tendons so your workout routine is not impacted.

Symptoms of Shoulder Pain

First, you may not have pain in your shoulder if you have a degenerative condition. It could take years for the pain to present. If you workout consistently then you could experience shoulder pain from all of your workouts. Some of the more common symptoms of shoulder pain are:
• Pain in the shoulder
• Avoiding activities because of pain
• Progressive weakness in the shoulder
• Trouble sleeping on the affected shoulder at night
• Tightness or unable to reach behind your back
• Difficulty reaching above your head

When the above symptoms happen, there are exercises that can be performed to help heal the injury. If you don’t have any of the above symptoms then the exercises described in the video can be used to strengthen the shoulder to prevent these injuries from occurring. You must always address an injury quickly and aggressively to prevent it from becoming worse.

Treatments to Rehab Shoulder Pain

There are several treatment options if your shoulder pain is from working out. You can start with rest, but if you are active in your weight training this is your least favorite option. You don’t want to stop working out and lose all of your gains. So, what can you do to keep lifting and rehab a bad shoulder? In addition to the exercises demonstrated in the video (which we will talk about more), you can also use over-the-counter-anti-inflammatory medications. This may help with the pain and discomfort. You can also apply hot and cold packs to the affected area. Stretching the shoulder with a towel and using a Kbands Foam Roller can also help increase blood flow and aid in the rehab of the shoulder.

The exercises in the video are a great combination that works the shoulder from various angles. It is important to improve the range of motion and reduce the tightness which is causing the impingement and pain. When performing the exercises shown in the video, listen to the directions and ensure you are controlling the movement throughout the entire movement. Not controlling the resistance could aggravate the injury you are working to rehab. The sequence of the exercises is not as important as ensuring your complete them all and with proper form and control. If you don’t complete The External Rotation with your elbow in the correct location, then you will have minimal gains from this exercise. Likewise, when performing the Shoulder Raise it is important that you do not go above 90 degrees with the upward movement. Going higher could make your shoulder pain worse. Listen closely as Trevor describes each exercise and how it should be properly performed.

When To Perform These Exercises

You should always perform these workouts/warm-ups prior to weight lifting. This will ensure the muscles and tendons are ready for the coming workout. It will also increase the blood flow to the area, also making sure the shoulder is ready for the increased load.

If you have shoulder pain from working out you should slowly perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps of each exercise. This is a great warm up routine. It increases the blood to the area and helps the injury to heal, as well as prepares the shoulder for your weight lifting.

If you are not experiencing any shoulder pain then you can still perform this exercise routine as a warm-up. You can do the sets at a faster pace and you don’t need to do as many sets and reps. With no shoulder injury, you are working to ensure the shoulder is ready to move the heavy loads from your weight lifting.

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