Bleacher Workout For Legs

Bleacher Workout For Legs

Published by Trevor Theismann on 7th Dec 2021

Bleacher Workout For Legs

Athletes like soccer players, football players, track and field participants, and lacrosse players all need a great knee drive. This athletically essential movement can easily be mimicked and trained by performing different bleacher workout variations. The advantage to performing bleacher workouts over stair workouts is often the increased distance the legs must travel during bleacher workouts. Although positive adaptations can be seen in foot speed and quickness from performing stair workouts, bleacher workouts will help give athletes the explosiveness and knee drive they need to be successful in their sport.

Bleacher workouts can be performed in two different styles. One is a stationery style bleacher workout in which the athlete uses only one bleacher, placing a stationery leg on the bleacher and working the opposite foot up and down off of the ground at different tempos. The other form of bleacher workout is a bleacher run style of bleacher workout in which athletes move as quickly as possible to the top of the bleachers.

Using resistance like the Kbands Leg Resistance Band during bleacher workouts, or any other kind of speed, and power training, will help athletes build that great knee drive which will allow them to run over that would be tackler, drive into good position to stop a defender, or help to effectively make it over that last hurdle in a race.

Bleacher Workout For Legs

To complete the Bleacher Workout For Legs athletes will be performing the stationery style of bleacher workouts. Athletes will begin the Bleacher Workout For Legs by securely attaching the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands just above their knees. During the Bleacher Workout For Legs athletes should begin by using a Green or Red set of Resistance Bands. However, once this level of resistance is not challenging enough for the athlete they should continue to progress in the amount of resistance used with the Bleacher Workouts. Athletes can go to the Shop Section to view the different levels of Resistance Bands which can be used with the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands.

After the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands are attached athletes will find a single bleacher and place one leg on top of the bleacher. Athletes will begin by performing a slower tempo Bleacher Workout in which the knee drives up and the athlete holds the knee up at the top of the movement for 2-3 seconds before slowly returning the raised knee back to the ground. Athletes will perform 6-8 of the slow tempo Bleacher Workout before switching the position of the legs, and performing an additional 6-8 repetitions on the opposite leg. Athletes will then take 30-40 seconds of rest before placing their starting leg back on top of the bleacher and performing 10 repetitions of a faster tempo Bleacher Workout. Athletes will drive their knees up high as quickly as they can for 10 repetitions on one leg, then switch to the opposite leg and perform 10 quick repetitions of the Bleacher Workout For Legs. Athletes will complete 3 total sets of both tempos of the Bleacher Workout to complete the Bleacher Workout For Legs.

Athletes can remove the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands and perform 1 unresisted set of the entire Bleacher Workout For Legs Routine. Notice the lightness in the legs as athletes should focus on balance, strength, and control during the slow tempo Bleacher workout and focus on acceleration, speed, and power during the fast tempo portion of the Bleacher Workout.

Bleacher Workout Form

When performing the Bleacher Workout For Legs athletes need to use good form. This will maximize the effectiveness of the Bleacher Workouts and will also keep the knee and hips healthy.

When athletes are performing the Bleacher Workout they are attempting to use their top leg to power their body up, while using the opposite leg, particularly the hips and thighs, to drive through the resistance from the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands. This movement is an over exaggeration of an athletes sprinting form. Therefore, the Bleacher Workout should work to mimic an athletes running form. So the first thing athletes must do is get their arms moving in the correct direction. Whether at the top of the Bleacher Workout movement or at the bottom of the movement athletes should have the opposite leg and opposite arm forward. This means that if my right knee is raised at the bottom of the Bleacher Workout the athletes left arm is raised with the right arm back. As athletes move to the top of the Bleacher Workout movement they will be raising the left leg, and switching the position of the left and right arms. As the athlete transitions back down they will return to their starting position. Arm movements are often overlooked in their importance in creating great sprinting speed and aiding in explosive movements.

Bleacher Workout Movements

Athletes should always focus on keeping a big chest with shoulders back, and weight in their heels while performing the Bleacher Workouts. Athletes who lift their heel or shift weight into the front of their foot will be removing the workload from the hamstring and glute muscles and placing a larger amount of pressure on the ligaments of the knee. Chronic poor form during Bleacher Workouts, stair workouts, and step up on plyo boxes will result in knee pain, stiffness, and possible injury to the ligaments. If athletes do experience stiffness or pain in the knee prior to performing Bleacher Workouts they should go to the Recovery Section and learn How to Foam Roll Their IT Band.

Athletes who excessively round their shoulders forward and lower their chest down to their knee are simply compensating and shortening the movement. This will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the Bleacher Workout as well as the amount of muscle mass the athlete will be able to work. Athletes who excessively sag during Bleacher Workouts should go to the Training Section and work on some Core Strengthening Exercises. This will help the athlete build more stability in the body and allow for proper strength and power training.

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