Exercises To Jump Higher | Girls Volleyball Power Five

Exercises To Jump Higher | Girls Volleyball Power Five

Published by Trevor Theismann on 7th Dec 2021

Exercises To Jump Higher | Girls Volleyball Power Five

Girls’ volleyball is a high intensity sport requiring frequent explosive movements. In order to succeed in girls volleyball athletes need to perform various exercises to jump higher and exercises to increase endurance and strength. With added strength in the legs, thighs, and hip flexors girls volleyball players will achieve greater levels of balance and vertical jump height. Greater balance will aid girls’ volleyball players to perform at a high level from all volleyball positions on the court, as well as decrease the likelihood of an injury when landing from a maximum vertical jump.

Girls volleyball players who perform exercises to jump higher with endurance training drills will be able to increase athletic performance for a longer duration. Added endurance will allow girls volleyball players to make challenging plays late into the game. A fatigued girls volleyball player, who attempts to make a spike over the net, will be able to make a much better strike on the ball if a higher vertical jump is achieved. Increased jumping height by performing exercises to jump higher will also allow a girls volleyball player to direct the angle and direction of the spike to avoid the block of the opposing volleyball players. 

Resisted Exercises To Jump Higher

Training drills that use resistance equipment will force greater activation in the large muscles responsible for balance, explosive power, jumping, and landing with correct body position. Using Kbands Leg Resistance Bands is a great fitness tool to utilize when girls volleyball players are performing exercises to jump higher. Using Kbands Leg Resistance Bands will force girls volleyball players to maintain proper alignment of the ankles, knees, and hips while performing exercises to jump higher. Constantly keeping external tension on the Kbands Leg Resistance keeps the ankles and knees from internally rotating while girls’ volleyball players are jumping and landing. Proper alignment of the knees, ankles, and hips will reduce the amount of strain on the ligaments in the knees and ankles helping to reduce the likelihood of a rolled ankle or knee injury or strain.

Girls Volleyball Power Five | Exercises To Jump Higher

To perform the Kbands Girls Volleyball Power Five training circuit girls’ volleyball players and coaches will need to know how to properly execute the resisted exercises to jump higher. To begin the Girls Volleyball Power Five exercises girls volleyball players will need a set of Kbands Leg Resistance Bands securely attached just above the knees and a coach or partner to assist in the timing of the exercises to jump higher. Girls volleyball players need to be sure they are using the proper amount of resistance with the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands to ensure the maximum amount of muscle activation is occurring in the targeted muscle groups, while not altering or limiting girls volleyball players movements. For more information on the different levels of resistance bands that can be used with the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands go to the Shop Section or Live Chat Section to learn how to find the correct amount of resistance. Most girls’ volleyball players will use the Red or Green resistance bands when performing training that involves exercises to jump higher.

The Girls Volleyball Power Five training circuit requires the execution of five different exercises to jump higher. Girls’ volleyball players and coaches should be familiar with how to execute all of the five exercises to jump higher before performing the Girls Volleyball Power Five.

The first of the five exercises to jump higher is called the stationary switch drill. This first girls volleyball drill requires girls volleyball players to attach their Kbands Leg Resistance Bands and stand with Speed and Agility Cones 2-3 feet to the outside of the feet of the girls volleyball player. Girls volleyball players will move into a squatted position and on a “switch" call made by the partner or coach, will keep one foot in the center of the girls volleyball drill as the opposite leg reaches to touch one of the outside Speed and Agility Cones. Volleyball coaches and partners will continue to call “switch” as the athlete keeps one foot in the center of the drill and switches which foot is reaching to the outside Speed and Agility Cone while maintaining a low squat and keeping good body positioning, head and chest held high and looking forward.

The second portion of the Girls Volleyball Power Five involves two similar exercises. The first exercise is the lateral glute walk. This girls’ volleyball exercise requires athletes to attach the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands and slowly laterally step back and forth between two points 10-15 yards apart. Girls’ volleyball players can set up the boundaries for this portion with lines on a basketball court, or with Speed and Agility Cones, to make the distances more visual for the athletes. Once the glute walk portion of the Girls Volleyball Power Five has been completed athletes will move directly into a glute shuffle. During the glute shuffle portion of the Girls Volleyball Power Five athletes will perform the same movements as the glute walk, just at a faster pace. Again maintaining good body positioning.

The fourth piece of the Girls Volleyball Power Five Training Circuit is the split jump portion. The first three drills in the Girls Volleyball Power Five focused on building strength and quickness in the muscles required for jumping, the split jumps are active exercises to train the girls’ volleyball players to jump higher. To complete the split jumps girls volleyball players will attach the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands and split their legs, bringing one leg back, bringing one leg forward, and sinking at the hips. The front knee and hip should maintain a 90 degree angle throughout the split jump portion of the Girls Volleyball Power Five. On a verbal cue given by the coach or partner girls volleyball players will jump into the air, from a good starting position, and switch their legs in mid air so their back leg is in front, and their front leg is to the rear of the body when landing.

The final exercise in the Girls Volleyball Power Five is the rhythm squats. Girls’ volleyball players will attach the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands and line up using the same boundaries used for the glute walk and glute shuffle portion of the Girls Volleyball Power Five. Athletes will move forward, not laterally. They begin with their feet together and hop forward into a wider stance. From this wider stance girls volleyball players will squat, then jump up and return to their narrow stance and quickly repeat these movements.

Girls Volleyball Power Five | Having Success As A Team

Girls’ volleyball players can execute the Girls Volleyball Power Five individually. However, this is a great team drill that can benefit players in all volleyball positions. Whether performing as an individual or in a team setting athletes will perform each drill for 60 seconds before moving onto the next portion of the Girls Volleyball Power Five. Athletes will perform 2-3 resisted rounds of all the exercises to jump higher before removing the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands and performing 1-2 unresisted sets of the exercises to jump higher. Allow 15-30 seconds of rest between sets 

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