KBT Assisted 40 Yard Dash Speed Training Workout
In almost every sport, from soccer to baseball to lacrosse, the 40 yard dash is considered a standard and reliable metric that can be used to measure sprint speed. At 30 yards, most athletes don’t have the space or the time to accelerate fully out of the dig phase. And at 50 yards, endurance begins to enter the equation. But a 40 yard distance provides a perfect sweet spot, and a runner’s ability to cover this ground with lighting speed and perfect form can convey volumes of information about his or her overall athleticism.
With that in mind, this video presents a demonstration of the Kbands Training Assisted 40 Yard Dash, a drill that uses the benefits of added resistance to help runners generate power during the dig phase and improve their stride frequency. After working this drill into regular practice sessions for several weeks, athletes and coaches will begin to notice improvements in speed, control, and form during the entire length of the all-important 40 yard distance.
This drill will rely on the assistance of a responsive partner and the targeted tension of the lightweight, portable Reactive Stretch Cord. The Reactive Stretch Cord is designed to create resistance that either pulls the body forward or drags it back during the sprint, using a simple system that can support speed development for athletes at all skill levels.
Speed Training Workout: Setting up the Drill
Before beginning this drill, coaches and athletes will need to prepare by setting up the field. A set of two speed and agility cones can be placed on either side of the starting point, and another set can be placed further down the field at the 40 yard mark, also side by side.
Meanwhile, the runner should stretch and warm up, and before the drill takes place, the reactive cord band can be attached snuggly around the waist. The band should not be too tight, but should be tight enough that the D-ring stays in place as the runner completes the drill.
When the band is in place, the Reactive Stretch Cord can be clipped to the band, and the Anchor Strap can be handed to a partner who will serve as an anchor and will stand about halfway between the starting point and the finish line. The anchoring partner will wrap the Anchor Strap securely around the wrist so it doesn’t slip free and fly back toward the athlete.
Speed Training Workout: Executing the Drill
When the Reactive Stretch Cord is in place and the runner is poised at the starting line, the signal will be given and the runner will begin the dig phase of the sprint. During the first several yards of this speed training workout, the Reactive Stretch Cord will be applying pressure in the direction of the run, which will aid forward motion and improve the runners stride frequency. When the tension is applied and then released, it’s very important that the runner and the anchoring partner stay on the same page. The anchor can start by choosing a position just far enough away from the athlete to create tension, but not so far away that the strong tension disrupts or interferes with the athlete’s center of gravity. 40 Yard Dash Set Up
As athletes execute each resisted sprint, they should make sure that they’re following their normal routine and applying standard body positioning at every step. Technique for the assisted run should not vary in any way from technique during an unassisted race situation.
As the runner kneels down at the starting line into ready and then set position, the anchor will set the cadence so the two participants can get on and stay on the same page. As the runner enters the dig phase and begins the sprint, the anchor will also begin to run in the direction of the finish line, and will maintain a pace that’s just fast enough to keep the right degree of tension in the reactive cord.
As the runner exits the dig phase and enters into ten of fifteen yards of full, straightforward sprinting, the anchor will allow the tension in the Reactive Stretch Cord to relax, and then will release the Stretch Cord as the athlete approaches the finish line. This way, there is no tension exerted in a backward direction that will slow the athlete’s stride or interfere with his balance or technique.
KBT Assisted 40 Yard Dash: Final Notes
This drill should begin with four to six assisted reps, or sprints, with the Reactive Stretch Cord in place. The resisted sprints should be followed by four more full speed sprints with no resistance. During the first critical phase involving the resisted sets, athletes should pay close attention to over-striding and resisting the natural urge to brake. When artificial resistance is applied to the body in the direction of motion, athletes tend to lean back and counter the force in order to stay in control and in balance. But resisting this tendency can help build stride frequency and develop speed during the straightforward sprint phase.