
Jumping Drills | Single Leg Tuck Jump

Jumping Drills: Single Leg Tuck Jump

Power and explosivity during the vertical jump are essential for basketball athletes, and building strength and coordination in the hips and core can add height and control to this move. But many of the jumping drills that develop vertical strength are focused on the two-leg jump, which uses different muscle groups and a different form of balance and centering than single leg jumps.



This jumping workout, called the Single Leg Tuck Jump, is designed to help athletes build strength and control on one leg and balance one side of the body at a time. Single leg jumps are a frequent move executed by basketball players in game situations, and this drill can help athletes dominate the court during these moments. This jumping workout is simple, but very effective if completed with proper technique. Players and coaches can add this move to regular training sessions with just a few minutes, a small amount of space on the court, and a Reactive Stretch Stretch Cord for each participant. Within a few weeks, the hip will gain strength and athletes will notice the difference in both height and balance during vertical single leg jumps.

Jumping Drills: Setting Up The Single Leg Tuck Jump

This drill will require the help of an attentive partner, a Reactive Stretch Stretch Cord, and athletic shoes suitable for vertical jumping. The Reactive Stretch Stretch Cord can be purchased at, and if teams engage in circuit training or take turns with the drill, one Stretch Stretch Cord can be used for an entire group. Otherwise, each partner pair can make use of one Reactive Stretch Stretch Cord and the drill can be completed by the whole team in just a few minutes.

Athletes can begin by strapping the Reactive Stretch Stretch Cord around the waist and tightening it so it won’t slide to the left and right during the single leg jumps. The D-ring on the Adjustable Belt will be positioned in the back, and the Reactive Stretch Stretch Cord will be clipped to the ring.

Then the partner can let the Stretch Stretch Cord fall naturally to the ground and place one foot on the Stretch Stretch Cord at the point where the Stretch Cord touches the floor. This will place the right amount of tension in the Stretch Cord as the athlete begins to jump; stretching the Stretch Cord tightly to the ground will generate too much, and leaving too much slack in the line between the clip and the foot on the ground will create too little tension and will defeat the purpose of the drill.

The partner’s role in this drill will be very important. Not only will the partner be creating the tension in the line that will make the drill effective, but he or she will be keeping one hand raised and placed gently on the athlete’s back in order to keep them safe and in balance.

Partners should be sure to keep the feet perpendicular to the body line of the jumping athlete and place all their weight on the front foot that holds the Stretch Cord to the ground. This is because the jumping athlete will usually generate enough force to pull the Stretch Cord out from under the foot and pull the partner off balance. Once both partners are properly positioned, the jumping workout can begin.


Increase Your Vertical With The Reactive Stretch Cord


Jumping Drills: Executing the Single Leg Tuck Jump

As the jumping workout begins, the athlete will raise one leg (bent at the knee) and jump straight up off the ground with the other leg, bringing the jumping knee higher than the stationary knee. When the leg returns to the ground, the athlete will jump straight back up again immediately; any pause to rest and re-stabilize will undermine the value of the exercise.

Athletes should concentrate on a fast return and on maintaining full energy and explosivity in each jump. The Single Leg Tuck Jump is an advance drill by nature, so more experienced athletes will have an easier time springing back from the ground and maximizing the impact of this move. Beginners who have trouble springing back from each jump can simply complete the same move with two legs, Double Leg Tuck Jump, and still gain plenty of vertical height strength and balance benefits.

Both technique and rest periods will be critical to the success of this jumping drill. Most athletes will gain the maximum benefits from the Single Leg Tuck Jump by completing four to six resisted sets with six jumps per set. At the end of each set, athletes can rest for a minute and a half to two minutes before jumping back into the next one. Athletes who are more advanced can push to the number of reps to eight to ten jumps. Beginners should complete no more than six—otherwise, the return time and height both begin to slow down and the jumping drill loses its value. For the same reason, beginner athletes can complete two to three total sets, while more advanced players can push the limit up to – but not beyond-- six to eight total sets.

Jumping Drills: Single Leg Tuck Jump Final Notes

The Single Leg Tuck Jump drill is only one of a long list of basketball jumping drills that rely on the power of the Reactive Stretch Stretch Cord to help athletes build balance, coordination and vertical jumping skill. The ability to gain height while maintaining control and resilience can help both offensive and defensive players control the court during shooting, passing and blacking maneuvers in game situations.

For more jumping drills like this one that can benefit players at every level, athletes and coaches can explore Vertical FX. This program is designed to improve your vertical within weeks. The site also offers video workout guides for a long list of other sports including lacrosse, soccer and baseball, many of which rely on the resistance and suspension training benefits of the Reactive Stretch Stretch Cord, the Kbands, the KB Powerbands, and the KB Duo. For purchasing details and more information about the value of resistance training, contact our experts.

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