Single Leg Jumping Drill To Increase Strength In Your Legs

Single Leg Jumping Drill To Increase Strength In Your Legs

15th Feb 2019

Single Leg Jumping Drill To Increase Strength In Your Legs

The legs are the engine behind athletic performance. If you have weak legs or slow feet, it can be a big problem. This specific jumping drill will help build strength in your legs. By improving muscle activation and stability, your legs will help accelerate you to the next level.

Challenge Cone Distances

As you can see in the video, cones are set up as a placeholder. Stretch the distances as far as you can to challenge your ability to jump to each cone. You will also notice the Infinity Loop Bands strapped around the athlete’s thigh. The Infinity Loop Bands will help the athlete get greater muscle activation through the jumps. Maintain an athletic stance while landing and exploding from each position.

Stretch And Cool Down

Often times after completing high impact drills like this one you will become very sore. The best way to alleviate tension throughout your body is to utilize our Recovery Foam Roller. The Rejuvenate Stretching Sequence will take you through a variety of exercises that will help release tension throughout your body. Pay close attention to the hamstring, quads, and groin stretches to alleviate tension from this specific exercise.

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