Kbands hip flexor wall drill for youth athletes

Kbands hip flexor wall drill for youth athletes

Published by Trevor Theismann on 2nd Nov 2021

This is a simple drill that can be done either before practice or after practice. Gather your team and strap on your Kbands. Next, line each athlete up on the wall with a little bit of space in between each player. Instruct each athlete to lean forward at a 45° angle. While maintaining a flat back, drive your knees up for explosive sets.

How many repetitions should you do?

There is a variety of different formats for this drill. One of the best places to start is six resisted sets followed by four unresisting sets. Your athletes will notice a large difference in the amount of resistance they are feeling. Keep the sets brief and explosive. Athletes should be completing this drill three times a week with a day of rest in between. It is by far one of the most effective drills you can complete to develop your hip flexors.

Why are hip flexors important for speed?

An athlete's hip flexors generate acceleration and proper alignment. They are in charge of lifting up the knee while sprinting. If an athlete has weak hip flexors, or tight hip flexors it can prohibit proper movements. It is important to stretch your hip flexors to keep them loose, and strengthen them to be more explosive. Utilizing leg resistance bands will help build the hip flexor muscle in the exact motion that is required during sports sprinting.

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