Front Squat Exercise With Resistance Bands | Add A Shoulder Press

Front Squat Exercise With Resistance Bands | Add A Shoulder Press

Published by Trevor Theismann on 16th Nov 2021

Ballistic Bands Front Squat Overhead Shoulder Press

The front squat is a great exercise for your hips. By completing a deep front squat you cannot only improve flexibility in your hips, but also strength and power. To add resistance to a front squat you can either use a bar with weight on it, or a ballistic loop resistance band. In this video I will outline how to effectively train with a resistance band during the front squat. First select a resistance band that is not extremely heavy. I would suggest utilizing the red, black, or purple for your first sets. This resistance level will help you maintain proper form throughout the exercise while giving you a feeling of the resistance during the front squat. Keep your elbows high, as well as, your hands near chin level.

As you reach the top of the squat then press your hands above your head. Here the resistance will activate your shoulder muscles. Reach high above your head and then move immediately back into another repetition. As you progress through the sets, add resistance. The ballistic bands come with seven levels of resistance so that you can easily add heavier weight throughout the exercise.

Complete 4-6 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Front Squat Exercise Form

The front squat and the traditional back squat exercise have many things in common. During both the front and back squat exercise you must maintain a tall chest, keep the knees behind the toes, drive through the heels, and fully extend your hips and knees. As you sink down in the squat you should be actively lowering your body down to the ground, not simply dropping down to the bottom of the squat. This controlled downward movement helps to build greater stability and control in the thighs, glutes, and stabilizing abdominal muscles. When you reach the bottom of the squat, you should focus on keeping your knees out preventing any internal movement. Driving the knees away from the body during the squat exercise allows for greater activation of the glutes. The glutes are an important muscle to activate during squats. It is not a knee exercise. The focus should be on power in your hips.

The Difference Between A Front Squat and Back Squat

The difference between the front squat exercise and the traditional back squat exercise is the placement of the tension on the body. When performing the back squat, you will load the weight on the back side of the shoulders and neck while the front squat exercise places tension on the front side of the shoulders.

Ballistic Bands

Work Your Shoulders With Front Squat Exercises And Overhead Lifts

Although it does not receive as much recognition as it should, the front squat exercise is a great shoulder exercise. Different from the compound movements involved in other overhead lifts like the overhead shoulder press, or dumbbell shoulder press, the front squat exercise is an isometric shoulder exercise. By maintaining high elbows throughout the movement, you will engage the muscles of the shoulder and force them to stabilize the weight placed on the front side of the body. 

The press portion of this exercise is a great addition to the front squat. It will require you to utilize less weight than you may be able to achieve in a front squat. Without pressing weight over your head you should of course be much stronger simply squatting. The reason for the overhead press is to train your body to be explosive through your hips and out your hands. Learning how to execute a full body movement with power is important for stabilization, strength, and mobility. Spend time practicing this exercise with light weight until you master the movements. When you become strong enough, you should be able to utilize a very heavy resistance band throughout the complete movement.

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