
Kbands V Up Exercise With Ball | Revolving Leg Lift

Revolving Leg Lift | Dynamic V Up Exercise

The V Up exercise is a dynamic ab exercise which combines the elements and muscle activation of the straight legged sit up and the classic leg lift into one challenging exercise. The Kbands Revolving Leg lift enhanced the classic v up exercise by adding an additional element to the v up exercise. The Revolving Leg Lift also turns the v up exercise into a much more functional and full body workout. By incorporating extra movements into the v up exercise with ball athletes will get greater activation in their core leading to greater stability and balance during athletic competition.

By utilizing a small amount of space and resources athletes and teams can easily use the Revolving Leg lift in a circuit style training session or in a large group ab training session. Athletes and coaches can also use the Revolving Leg Lift Exercise at the end of a training session in a rotation with another simple ab exercise such as a Plank or Stationary Leg Lift. Combining the v up exercise with a static exercise like Planks, Side Planks, or Stationary Leg Lift is a great way to strengthen your core at the end of a training session. The Revolving Leg Lift can also be used individually at the beginning of a training session to get athletes heart rates up and muscles ready for an intense training session.



Revolving Leg Lift | Serious Ab Exercise With Ball

Although the Revolving Leg Lift can on its own be used as a dynamic warmup, athletes should take steps to warm up their bodies before they perform this v up exercise. Athletes can perform dynamic warmups such as side lunges, body squats, high knees, and arm circles to prepare the limbs and trunk for training or competition. When performed at the beginning of a workout athletes should perform the Revolving Leg Lift on its own or with other non ab exercises. When performed at the end of a training session athletes can perform a more intense version of the v up exercise by pairing it with a static exercise such as a Plank, Side Plank, or Stationary Leg Lift.

To perform the Kbands Revolving Leg Lift athletes will lie on their backs and place a Kbands Training Stability Ball between their legs. To begin the v up exercise athletes will lie on their backs, extend their arms so their body is completely extended, then simultaneously raise the legs and the chest. As the chest and legs are raised athletes will reach, release the Stability Ball from between their calves, secure the Stability Ball wit their hands, rotate the ball clockwise, return and secure the Stability Ball between the calves, then return to the lying position with the body fully extended. During the Revolving Leg Lift Exercise athletes should keep the legs as straight as possible while not letting the Stability Ball make contact with the ground. Athletes will perform 4-6 repetitions of the v up exercise rotating the Stability Ball clockwise, and then perform 4-6 repetitions rotating the Stability Ball counter clockwise. Athletes can also perform the Revolving Leg Lift for time rotating the Stability Ball for 15-30 seconds in one direction and then 15-30 seconds in the opposite direction. For both of the variations of the v up exercise athletes should take 40-60 seconds of rest between sets. Athletes should perform 4-6 sets of the Revolving Leg Lift Drill.




Revolving Leg Lift | Who Benefits From This Drill

All athletes can benefit from performing the revolving Leg Lift. This multi directional v up exercise forces the body to perform a dynamic motion from a position almost completely supported by athletes core. This means that the core must work extremely hard to not only maintain its position, but must work even harder to slightly rotate the body side to side as the ball is rotated. Athletes such as wrestlers or mixed martial artists who often find themselves being held in a static position by their opponent, but must still move their limbs and trunk to defend and attack their opponent, will greatly benefit from the stabilizing and rotational aspects of the Revolving Leg Lift Drill.

Baseball players and offensive linemen in football have relatable positions in their sports. When swinging a bat baseball players must maintain a stable body position while rotating the hands across their body. It takes a great deal of coordination, ab stabilization, and body control to be an effective hitter and this v up exercise helps athletes develop those athletic skills. Offensive linemen in football are often called upon to maintain their position and fighting off defenders while pass blocking.

Revolving Leg Lift | Form And Technique

While performing the v up exercise athletes need to maintain proper body positioning while taking the body through proper movements. Performing the Revolving Leg Lift with correct form will strengthen the necessary parts of the core instead of using the hips flexors and low back to complete the v up exercise motions.

Athletes should maintain a flat back and avoid over arching the low back or rounding the spine. A tight, rigid torso can be achieved by tightly squeezing the core through out the v up exercise. As athletes are moving from the extended position into the reach position they should take a deep breath, hold the breath while squeezing the abs for 1-2 seconds, and then exhale as the legs and chest are brought together. Holding this air in at the beginning of the movement helps athletes bodies create more intra abdominal pressure and a tighter, more rigid torso. This body positioning helps the abs remain tighter stabilizing the body, and greatly increasing their strength and effectiveness.

When moving toward the Stability Ball athletes should not use their hands to generate momentum. Athletes should instead rely on the strength of their abs to work to close the gap at their hips, and raise the torso and legs together.

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