
Increase Speed Running Routes - Change Direction and Accelerate

Increase Speed Running Routes - Change Direction and Accelerate

Learning how to increase your speed isn't all about repeating straight sprinting drills. You must have the ability to change directions and accelerate in any direction. Rarely does a competitive sport function only in one direction. Power and agility must be created in a variety of different directions. This specific drill will help you create the ability to change direction and accelerate while gaining ground forward. Watch closely in the video as we described the drill setup.



Should You Run Sprints To Get Faster?

This is a question that we often get. Athletes want to increase their speed, and believe one of the only ways to do this is by running continuous sprint repetitions. Most sports do not require only a linear sprint. So it is important that we build speed in a manner that mimics sport like movements. We have found creating drills that require moving laterally as well as linearly have improved performance on the field. If you are football player, then change of direction is very important. Notice during this drill as you accelerate forward you will have to breakdown your steps. Next, you will laterally shuffle and then accelerate forward again. These changes in directions will help increase hip stability and strength as you gain ground forward.


Increase Speed With Kbands


Mimic Sports And Run Faster

We have many drills here on that will help you increase your speed. Utilize the sport specific section here on the website to help find drills that are most related to your sport. Completing movements directly related to your sport will help increase your speed much more efficiently then other drills. Each sport specific section has many drills that will teach you how to incorporate resistance training as well. Resistance bands have helped build speed in athletes for decades, but the key is that you learn how to efficiently use them. If you need any workout tips or advice please feel free to leave a comment below so that we can better help you.

Running Routes And Training

Running routes is very important if you're a baseball outfielder or a football player. Challenging your footwork and sprinting at max speed will help you in your journey to become a more advanced athlete. After completing some of our basic exercises please check out Speed 101 or Agility FX for some high level training. 

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