Bleacher Workout For Legs Over More Conventional Staircase
Bleachers are considered to have an edge over the conventional staircase workout because an athlete covers larger distance in just one movement while working on bleachers. Bleacher workout for legs can help in achieving the required knee drive and explosiveness while in the staircase workout agility and foot speed can be achieved. Bleacher workouts are generally considered to be the better workout regimen for athletes who are in to sports such as football, soccer etc. the bleacher workout can be tweaked and customized and its variations can be suitable for the needs of different athletes.
Different Types of Bleacher Workouts
There can be two types of bleacher workouts. The bleacher run style is the one form of bleacher workout in the athlete sprints towards the top bleacher. The stationary type of bleacher workout involves the use of only one bleacher. In the stationary style of workout the athlete moves his foot up and down from the ground at varied paces. The movement of each arm and its position is similar as is while an athlete is sprinting. Kbands leg resistance bands are ideal to be used with all types of power and speed training including bleacher workout for legs. It develops immense knee drive which is a pre- requisite for all athletes and which can help them in various sports. For athletes, strong hips and legs and persistent knee drive are the main goals to be achieved by any workout regimen.
Use of Kbands Leg Resistance Bands For Stationary Type Bleacher Workout
To begin the stationary style of bleacher workout, the athlete will start by attaching the Kbands leg resistance bands securely. The work out is done at two tempos and is started at slower tempo. The athlete pulls up his knee, holds the knee on the top of the bleacher for about 2-3 seconds and then brings the knee back down. The athlete moves the knee at slow tempo for 6-8 repetitions. After one leg, the athlete should now move to the other leg and perform the bleacher workout in the similar manner. The athlete should take rest of about 30- 40 seconds between two sets at different tempos and then begin with the leg with which the workout started. At the faster tempo, 10 reps should be performed with each leg. The athlete should make an attempt to take the knee as high as one can at a fast pace. Along with the pace correct movement and posture should also be maintained. The set of 10 reps should be repeated on the opposite leg. The bleacher workout is complete when 3 sets of repetitions are performed at both the tempos. The Kbands leg resistance bands work differently at different tempos and hence the overall effectiveness of the workout and the stamina of athletes are improved. The resistance experience in the legs due to the Kbands leg resistance bands improves the strength of the hamstring muscles as well as the glutes.
Different varieties of Kbands leg resistances bands can be bought from the Shop section to achieve varied levels of resistance.
After performing one set each at two tempos, the athletes should remove the resistance and again repeat the sets. Due to absence of resistance the lightness in the legs would be felt. At the slower tempo balance and control should be the focus and speed and power should be the highlight at the faster tempo.
Ideal Form For Performing The Bleacher Workout
To maximize the output from bleacher workout and to avoid any injury to the knee and the hips athletes need to maintain good form. The movement where the athlete, during a bleacher workout, takes the knee up while using the hips and thighs of the opposite legs to pull through the resistance is an exaggerated form of the sprinting action. Therefore, it is imperative that the athletes maintain the correct form and maintain the position of their arms correctly. The opposite leg and the opposite arm should be forward while going up and down the bleachers. The position of the arm and the legs should be switched as is done while running. Incorrect movement of arms or uncoordinated movement of arms not only reduce the overall effectiveness of the workout but also increases the chances of the athlete not completing the reps properly. The movement of arms is an important part of the sprinting process and it importance is often overlooked whereas it can help tremendously in achieving explosiveness. Therefore an athlete must ensure that the leg which goes up, the opposite arm should also go up with it.
Correct Posture and Movement During The Bleacher Workout
The correct posture for the athlete involves keeping the chest out and the shoulders back. The weight of the body should be supported by the heels. The weight load being taken up by the hamstring and the glutes will be shifted if the athlete lifts the heels or shifts the weight to the front of the foot. Improper weight distribution can put excessive pressure on the ligaments of the knee. To avoid the possibility of injury or chronic pain post bleachers workout, great care should be taken to maintain the ideal posture.
It is definitely crucial to understand and practice the correct form during different types of bleacher workouts and stair workouts because lack of correct form and movement could result in stiffness, injuries and chronic knee pain. If the athlete does not maintain an upright posture and bends towards the knees this shortens the effective movement along with the effectiveness of the bleachers workout for legs. If an athlete cannot control bending of the upper body, he can do core strengthening exercises and go to the Training Section for the same.