Bigger, Faster, Stronger Legs
When athletes are training they can use bigger faster stronger partner drills to make the most of their training time. Athletes can use the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands, Victory Ropes, and Speed and Agility Cones to help develop bigger faster stronger athletes.
The competitive nature of athletes used partner drills also helps to increase the tempo and intensity of the athletes who are competing against each other. This raised training intensity, along with some sort of Resistance, will help develop bigger faster stronger athletes.
Bigger Faster Stronger Partner Drills
The Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill uses the Victory Ropes, Speed and Agility Cones, and a partner to help athletes train to be bigger faster stronger athletes. Athletes will begin the bigger faster stronger drill by taking two Victory Ropes and looping them together. This can be done by taking the end of one of the Victory Ropes and feeding it through the anchor strap of the opposite Victory Ropes. Athletes will then feed the same Victory Rope through one of its own anchor straps, and pulling the Victory Ropes together. This will extend the length the athletes will be able to move from 20 feet to almost 40 feet.
After the Victory Ropes have been secured together athletes will continue to set up the bigger faster stronger Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill by creating loops to place around both athletes waist. This can be done by again looping the ends of the Victory Ropes through their anchor straps and securing the Victory Ropes around the athletes’ waist.
Athletes will move away from each other until there is a slight pull in the Victory Ropes. Athletes will each place one Speed and Agility Cone at this spot and place an additional Speed and Agility Cone 5-8 yards outside of the first Speed and Agility Cone.
Bigger Faster Stronger With Victory Ropes
Once athletes have prepared the Victory Ropes and Speed and Agility Cones they will position themselves behind the most inside Speed and Agility Cone and on a verbal cue both athletes will begin the bigger faster stronger drill by explosively shuffling their feet. One athlete will begin the bigger faster stronger Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill by laterally shuffling to the outside Speed and Agility Cone, then back to the inside Speed and Agility Cone. While one athlete is laterally moving between the two Speed and Agility Cones it is up to the opposite athlete to stay in a stationery position, while continuing to shuffle their feet up and down.
After one athlete completes a down and back lateral set of the bigger faster stronger drill the opposite athlete will perform the same back and forth motion while the opposite athlete stays in a stationery position, while shuffling their feet. Athletes will continue to alternate back and forth between being stationery and moving laterally until both athletes have completed four down and back sets of the lateral shuffle. Athletes will complete 4 total rounds of the bigger faster stronger Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill, taking 2-3 minutes of rest between sets.
For athletes to continue to get bigger faster and stronger in their particular sport they need to be able to move in all directions. After athletes have completed the lateral version of the bigger faster stronger Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill athletes will switch positions and face away from their partner. Athletes will complete the same alternating sprinting, stationery drill for 4 rounds of 4 repetitions each. Again taking 2-3 minutes of recovery between sets of the bigger faster stronger drill.
Athletes and coaches will want to take full advantage of the long recovery period during the bigger faster stronger drill. Athletes will be working hard and will want to maximize the amount of effort they can put forth during the bigger faster stronger Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill. In turn, this will lead to better training results and increased level of athleticism athletes can display during competition.
Bigger Faster Stronger Legs
To build bigger faster stronger legs with the Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill athletes will need to use good form when moving side to side, and back and forth, as well as good core strength to stay stationery as their partner moves back and forth. If athletes are having trouble staying stationery during the bigger faster stronger drill then athletes or coaches should shorten the length of the Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill by shortening the distance between the two sets of Speed and Agility Cones.
As athletes move laterally they need to keep their chest in good position, keeping a slight bend at the knees and hips. Athletes should actively think about engaging their abs, and keeping their shoulder blades pulled back and down. This will help athletes to take full advantage of the bigger faster stronger training by keeping the abs fully engaged and not allowing the shoulders or back to round.
Athletes should think of the same cues when moving forward and backward. When performing the bigger faster stronger drill laterally, forward and backward athletes need to use their arms, and take smaller shuffle steps as they change directions. Both of these actions will help to use the entire body and to move quickly and efficiently through the bigger faster stronger drill.
Athletes who wish to continue to increase the level of their bigger faster stronger training should incorporate the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands into the Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill. Athletes will simply securely attach the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands just above their knees and then perform the bigger faster stronger Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill in the exact same fashion. Adding the extra resistance will greatly raise the level of difficulty for the bigger faster stronger Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill. Therefore athletes should complete the regular bigger faster stronger Victory Ropes Partner Runaway Drill before attempting the advanced version with the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands.