What’s The Best Team Speed Drill To Increase Competitiveness

What’s The Best Team Speed Drill To Increase Competitiveness

2nd Apr 2019

What’s The Best Team Speed Drill To Increase Competitiveness

Competitiveness is key to creating a winning atmosphere with your team. Players should challenge one another to be the best athletes they can be. The best kind of drills to create this atmosphere are ones that can be turned over quickly between the athletes in a group. The Infinity Loop Bands enable athletes to move in and out of resistance quickly and effectively to keep the pace high.

Each athlete will enter the shuffle zone, slide on the Infinity Loop Band, and begin the drill. Each athlete should react off a coach or trainer telling them to change directions. You will want to focus on reaction time just as much as the resistance component of this exercise. The Infinity Loop Bands are very similar to Kbands for this specific exercise. Kbands will allow you more range of motion and freedom of movement when sprinting. The Infinity Loop Bands however, can offer you more resistance in structured drills like this one. Move through the four levels of resistance and challenge each member of the group to maintain proper form and speed as they move from side to side.

Warm Up And Cool Down

After a speed training session it’s important that you cool down properly. Move through a dynamic stretch, or the Rejuvenate Stretching Sequence with the Recovery Foam Roller.

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