Quick Leg Workout - Add These Exercises To Your Weekly Routine

Quick Leg Workout - Add These Exercises To Your Weekly Routine

15th Apr 2019

Leg workouts are great for your overall health. Increasing your stability and range of motion will help with balance and improve natural body motions. During this exercise you will complete a modified lunge with Kbands and dumbbells. Kbands will help increase muscle stimulation throughout the hammy’s quads and glutes while the dumbbells will add load to our body. Choose the correct amount of weight that will help get your results.

Too Much Weight Is Not Good

A lot of people jump to the dumbbell rack and look for the most amount of weight that they can hold.Being able to manage the way you are holding is more important than maximizing the load. You should choose the wait at which you can complete full range of motion repetitions. The farther out you can lunge, the more tension you will put throughout your hips. These movements are more important than adding load to the ground.

Next, follow up the lunge with two pulse reps. You will then switch legs and repeat. More advanced athletes should complete 20 repetitions. Beginners should complete 10 repetitions. Be sure that you were alternating legs and maximizing range of motion.

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