Shoulder Stretches | Recovery Foam Roller Shoulder Stretch
The shoulder is one of the most important muscles when it comes to athletic performance or simply an active lifestyle. Shoulder pain can be developed from immobility and adhesions within the muscles. Static stretching has been used for a long time to increase range of motion in the shoulder joint, but in recent years, a Recovery Foam Roller has proven to be an effective treatment for tight shoulders. Shoulder stretches with the Recovery Foam Roller can be completed in 2 to 3 minutes increasing blood flow to the area and massaging the tension out of the shoulder. Review the shoulder stretching video below as we spend time focusing on technique and tips to increase your results.
Static Stretching VS Foam Rolling Techniques
As mentioned in the video, there are many causes for immobility and pain in your shoulders. Completing heavy presses, overthrowing, or improper form during rowing is known to cause shoulder pain and tension. By stretching the shoulder you will be able to alleviate pain and bring mobility back to your workouts. Internal rotation stretches and hanging stretches are great ways to statically stretch your shoulder. They offer range of motion with proper alignment to stretch the muscle in it's entirety. The problem with static stretching is that there is little to no blood flow added to the area. In addition, adhesions, or trigger points, often will not loosen with a static stretch. A more effective way to target trigger points is to utilize a Recovery Foam Roller.
Shoulder Stretching For The Posterior, Lateral, and Anterior Deltoids
To stretch your shoulder with the High Density Recovery Foam Roller you will begin on your side. Next, place the Recovery Foam Roller perpendicular to your body near the top of your shoulder. As you settle into this position you will drive your weight into your shoulder keeping your body in line. Do not let your shoulders crumble and take your spine out of alignment. It is key to keep a flat back and an open chest so that you can focus on the shoulder while being in proper alignment. Begin with static holds on the lateral, interior, and posterior side of your shoulder. Hold each position for 15 to 20 seconds in search of trigger points. As the muscles in the shoulder begin to relax you will now begin massaging the area. It’s best to roll the shoulder in three different segments. Just as you completed with the static holds you'll begin with the lateral, then move onto the posterior, and finish with the anterior side of the shoulder. To massage the shoulder you will need to roll from the top to the bottom in all three segments. This deep tissue massage will compress and stretch the shoulder muscles until tension is relieved.
External Rotation Stretch For The Shoulder
The second portion of the shoulder stretch will require a little more direction. Refer to the video as we walk through the proper positioning and focus on your hand position. There are two movements happening in this segment. First, the Foam Roller will be laid out parallel with the body. Next, you will begin with your arm extended in front of your body in a supinated position. As you roll into the Recovery Foam Roller you will rotate your thumb externally toward the ground. This shoulder stretching technique will help massage the muscles all the way through the posterior side of the shoulder. Notice as you roll the Recovery Foam Roller away from your body you will internally rotate your thumb back to a neutral position. By actively rotating your shoulder as you extend over the Recovery Foam Roller you'll have much more success in rolling the proper muscles of the shoulder.
Stretch The Traps and Upper Back For Full Mobility
You will find other adhesions near the shoulder that can influence your mobility as you continually roll the areas of connective tissue. In addition to the shoulder, you should also roll your traps and upper back. Your shoulder is responsible for extreme range of motion. The traps and scapulas play a major role in the stability of your shoulder. These muscles must be considered as well. Take a look at our Recovery Foam Roller Back Stretch, as well as, our Traps Stretching Workout, to have a better idea of the techniques used to target these areas.
We offer a great training program called the Rejuvenate Stretching Sequence that you can utilize. Use the Rejuvenate Stretching Sequence 15 minutes before any training session to actively loosen and stretch the muscles of your body. If you find extreme tension in different areas of your body the Recovery Foam Roller is an excellent way to massage the muscles and become pain free.