Run Faster | Increase Sprint Speed | Kbands

Run Faster | Increase Sprint Speed | Kbands

Published by Trevor Theismann on 12th Nov 2021

How to Increase Running Speed

Improving running speed involves two elements: stride length and stride frequency. To increase speed, athletes must work to improve one or both of these elements through training and drills. Intense speed and agility drills, such as the Kbands High Knee Wall Drill, can help stimulate muscle transformation and lead to faster running.

It's important to remember to warm up properly before attempting any  speed and agility drills. This includes increasing heart rate and starting to sweat. Proper body positioning and technique are also key for improving sprint speed. Paying attention to technique can help save valuable time in 40 yard dashes and improve NFL Combine agility test times.

Running Workouts for Improved Performance

In the video below, we demonstrate the proper body positioning and technique for the  Kbands High Knee Wall Drill. To begin, place your hands on a wall while keeping your body at a 45° angle to the ground. Maintain a flat back and a strong base with your hands and feet. Stay on the balls of your feet and avoid rolling back onto your heels.

Improve Speed with Proper Technique

Proper technique is essential for increasing running speed. As you perform the Kbands High Knee Wall Drill, make sure not to let your hips move back and lose the flat back position. This will prevent you from fully extending your glutes and hamstrings and hinder your speed. Imagine trying to jump without straightening your legs. You wouldn't reach full jump height without straightening your legs, and the same is true for running speed. Training will be ineffective if you don't pay attention to proper technique. Focus on keeping a flat back and driving your legs with power. The faster you can move your legs with good technique, the faster you will run. It takes time for muscles to adapt to strength and speed training, but with consistency and determination you can increase your speed with the Kbands High Knee Wall Drill.

Kbands Wall Drill Will Help You Run Faster

Utilizing Kbands to Improve Running Speed

Resistance running has been shown to increase stride length. The Kbands High Knee Wall Drill helps to increase leg strength and running power while also improving stride frequency. As you lift each knee, the Kbands add resistance that helps to stimulate the muscles. When you reach full extension with one leg down and the other near or above parallel, you receive double the benefit. The leg on the ground is receiving resistance from the Kbands on the hamstrings and glutes, while the lifted leg works through the hip flexors and quads. Kbands are designed to build muscle in the way that sports require, making this workout beneficial for all athletes. Follow along with the video below to try this workout at home.

Kbands Wall Drill Workout Breakdown

The Kbands High Knee Wall Drill is an effective way to build power and speed. To begin, make sure you strap each leg band on properly so that they stay in place. The logo should be on the front of your thigh and the D-rings should be on the outside of each leg. Kbands come with several sets of resistance bands, and the right amount of resistance will depend on which set you have. You should be able to complete the drill with full range of motion. If you find that the resistance is too much and you can't maintain proper form throughout the set, try using less resistance.

First, do 15 seconds of resisted high knees. As soon as the resisted set is complete, unclip the leg bands and immediately do 12 seconds of unresisted high knees. The unresisted reps are very important because this is when you will feel a "feather-like" sensation in your legs. Leg muscle recruitment is high right after the leg bands are removed, so it's important to work at maximum effort during this time. The sensation of feather-like legs will help you move your legs faster than ever before, and it's during this time that you'll alter your muscle fiber type by converting slow twitch muscles into fast twitch muscles through overload intensity. Complete this resisted to unresisted set 5 to 6 times, taking 1.5 to 2 minutes of rest in between each set. Proper rest will allow your body to recover and maintain this workload.

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