Kbands Progressive Sprinting Drill

Kbands Progressive Sprinting Drill

Published by Trevor Theismann on 6th Dec 2021

Kbands Progressive Sprinting Drill | Sprinting Workouts

Sprint speed is used to measure the athletic capabilities of all athletes. To become the best sprinter you can be, it is essential that you focus not only on linear speed, but also on how quickly you can accelerate& from the start. One of the best methods to begin optimizing your sprint speed is to focus on short burst sprints and longer distance top-end speed sprints. With the Progressive Sprinting Drill we will have three modifications to focus on these areas. Utilize the video below to help optimize your results with proper technique and footwork.

What Are The Proper Sprinting Distances

To optimize our results for top-end speed and explosive starts, we will be setting up the cones accordingly. We will need to space out four sets of cones in 10-yard increments. For beginners, we will be completing the first round of resisted sprints in the 10 to 20 yard area. The focus here will be on our starts and the dig phase of the sprint. Next we will need an additional two sets of cones for the 30 to 40 yard dash area. Sprinting drills in this range will help optimize our transition from dig phase to top-end speed.

We will also be utilizing leg resistance bands during this sprinting workout. Kbands will help us develop strength in our hip flexors, as well as, build power in our stride, moving through the resistance. During each sprint you will feel the resistance and have to focus on technique to complete the entire rep properly. Toward the end of our workout we will be moving to un-resisted sets. As you progress to the un-resisted sets you will notice a light sensation in your legs. This is great for speed development and overall explosiveness.

Be sure, when training with Kbands, you select the correct resistance. Younger athletes should begin using the red resistance bands, while intermediate to advanced athletes can use the green or blue resistance bands. Blue resistance bands provide max resistance, and should only be used by advanced athletes. Most athletes will utilize the green resistance bands during this speed workout.

Standing Starts | Sprinting Workouts

The standings start is very basic. Keep things simple and begin with a staggered tilted position. Your chest should be over your knees and your center of gravity should be slightly lower than the standing position. Be ready to utilize powerful arm swings and knee drive. We will not be doing anything fancy here. The key here is to focus on the initial dig phase utilizing arms and proper knee drive. Each arm action should be exaggerated throughout the dig phase, bringing your hands near the face position. It is important to drive your arms backwards to initiate the correct momentum for the following forward motion.

Knee positioning should also be extreme through the dig phase. Powerful knee drive is essential to gain ground forward. With a great forward tilt and knee drive you will find that acceleration comes much easier.

High Knee Sprinting Drill

The High Knee Sprinting Drill is a great modification used to focus on knee drive. An explosive knee drive will help accelerate the body. By beginning our sprints with explosive high knees, we will exaggerate the motion. You will find that each rhythmic knee drive will bring your focus towards your knees. Next, as you take off, the focus will remain toward your knees, helping us to develop better technique during our start. During this sprinting drill it is also important to keep plantar flexion between each drive. Drive your toes up toward your shin to help stretch the muscles of the back of the leg to optimize power off the ground. This stretch reflex will enhance your explosiveness during each stride.

40-Yard Dash Sprinting Drill

One of the most well known ways to gauge an athlete’s speed is by recording their 40-yard dash time. During this sprinting drill, we will now take time to focus on our start as well as how we pull through into our top-end speed. If you are not familiar with the proper set up of the 40-yard dash, spend some time reviewing our Kbands 40-Yard Dash Video. There is a small workout that goes along with this workout sequence, in addition to a very descriptive breakdown of foot positioning, hand positioning, and hip placement. The 40-Yard Dash often can be made from the start. It is the shortest distance that an athlete can begin coming into their top-end speed. By utilizing Kbands resistance during this Progressive Sprint Drill, we will be able to enhance our conditioning and increase our 40-Yard Dash speed.

Keep in mind, we will be using the 40-Yard Dash start in both the 10 and 40 yard distance sprints. This will give us a little bit of practice with our starting position and reaction time. As you become more comfortable, you should use some kind of a sound to begin the sprint. This will help improve reaction time.

Progressive Sprinting Drill Breakdown

We have just reviewed many techniques for improving your sprinting speed. Each of the modification sprints has their own elements to improve your speed. Review the sections thoroughly and understand the proper technique to perform at your best.

The structure of the reps and sets are very straightforward. Complete 2 resisted Kbands sets of each of the starting positions. These two resisted reps will be from the 10 to 20 yard mark and also from the 40-yard mark. As you complete the two resisted rounds you will then follow up each starting position with 1 un-resisted round from each of the distances.

During the un-resisted rounds you will have full muscle activation. Your legs will feel light and you must focus to be more explosive during these sets. By utilizing full muscle activation and complete neurological focus, you will enhance your speed greatly.

Complete the Progressive Sprinting Drill 2 to 3 times a week for the best results. As you progress you can then move on to the advanced version of this sequence. There are different starting positions that will challenge both dynamic control as well as lateral quickness. Please let us know if you have any questions with the chat box below, or by email, and we will be sure to help you with your training. 

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