
Circuit Training | Volleyball Players

Volleyball Team Training

Why is training important for volleyball players?  Training to improve a volleyball players spiking, setting, serving, or blocking will help volleyball players perform better.  This goes back to the old saying that practice makes perfect.  The best volleyball players train seriously to enhance their skills in order to perform at the highest level possible. True athletes train to win and train to be the best. They must be trained to jump higher and to increase body strength to prevent injury. A volleyball athlete must have a strong core to enhance their center of balance and ease of movement. Volleyball training takes more than just a little jog and a two minute stretch.  Circuits completed before or after volleyball practices can greatly benefit a volleyball player’s performances. Kbands Training offers several volleyball drills that are designed to dramatically help increase volleyball player's skills.    



Volleyball Circuit | Jump and Stability Training 

This circuit incorporates the entire volleyball team and allows them to continuously move which prevents boredom. First set up a line at one side of the net. The volleyball player must then take two shuffles facing the net and then complete 6 quick jumps. Each volleyball player must try to get off the ground as quick as possible with as little catch as possible. Volleyball players must learn to land in their butts or hips rather than their knees. When landing volleyball players need to keep their knees behind their toes.   Working to exaggerate this motion will help keep a volleyball player’s knees safe. When volleyball players are working to jump high they must use their arms to build momentum. If volleyball players want to truly get high to spike a ball or block the volleyball then they have to be able to get high enough to do so. Using every ounce of momentum out of the body will enhance their abilities. The arms help load the leg muscles as well as build energy upward off the ground. This drill is a volleyball athlete training drill so work hard to get the best possible results.  

Steps of the Volleyball Shuffle - Jump Drill  

Volleyball players will do 2 shuffles then 6 jumps, 2 shuffles, 6 jumps, 2 shuffles, 6 jumps. This will be 3 sets of shuffles and 3 sets of jumps. Volleyball players need to perform quick shuffles – quick shuffles make the drill work.  The goal is to move as fast laterally as possible to improve lateral speed. Volleyball players must keep their feet apart and do not click their heels because this will create bad habits and terrible footwork. After the volleyball players have completed each set of shuffles and jumps they will jog back about 8 to 10 yards to the farthest back volleyball line. Now, volleyball players will face the net. Each volleyball player will then perform a Glute Walk.  

Glute Walk - A Glute Walk is completed by squatting down with the knees behind the toes and slowly shuffling with wide feet for the width of the court. With the resistance bands volleyball players will immediately feel the benefit. Volleyball players must work to keep their knees out as they shuffle sideways. When tiring a volleyball player's knees will want to come in because the glutes are fatiguing. Work to keep the knees out and continue to strengthen these muscles.

Drill Sets and Reps - Once this drill is organized the volleyball players should complete the circuit 4 to 6 times. This generally will leave volleyball players feeling a little fatigued and they will need a water break or a little bit of rest afterwards. A great drill to pair with the circuit on a training day would be one of the core exercises listed below. This will leave volleyball players getting an entire workout rather than overloading specific muscles. Complete this circuit going in both directions, clockwise and counterclockwise. Volleyball players must strengthen the body and build footwork moving in both directions. 2-3 sets in each direction will optimize results. 

Resistance Enhances Outcome

Kbands resistance plays a key role in this drill. The drill can be completed without resistance bands but the drill can be enhanced greatly by adding resistance. Kbands add resistance to the muscles that are in charge of knee internal rotation. These muscles are the glutes and hips. Women naturally are more susceptible to knee injuries due to their body type. Their hips are slightly wider than their knees while men's knees are more in line with their hip's center. This causes instability in the knee joint for women and leads to a higher possibility of knee injuries. By strengthening the muscles that protect the knee from this disposition a volleyball player will be able to compete at the highest level. When wearing the bands volleyball players will find their bodies naturally working against the resistance leading to strength and stability with ease. 

Volleyball players and coaches should be creative by packaging 2 to 3 of the volleyball drills listed below to create their own circuit.  Change up the exercises often to keep volleyball players alert and active and to prevent them from getting bored.  Create a couple different circuits once you figure out which one’s work best for you.  Follow the reps and sets that are provided for each drill and good luck training.  

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