Victory Ropes Linear Doubles Conditioning Drill

Victory Ropes Linear Doubles Conditioning Drill

Published by Trevor Theismann on 22nd Dec 2021

Victory Ropes Linear Doubles Conditioning Drill

Performing movements which mimic those used in competition will help athletes train their bodies to be more efficient when performing these athletic movements. The Victory Ropes Linear Doubles is a conditioning drill which incorporates both forward and backward linear running with resistance. Many sports such as basketball, football, soccer, lacrosse, and volleyball require movements which can quickly take an athlete from forward running into a backpedal. Utilizing Victory Ropes with this conditioning drill will aid athletes in being strong and explosive when performing these movements during competition.

This conditioning drill is a great training tool for athletes and coaches training in groups or teams. Athletes will utilize their partner during this running drill to add mixed amounts of resistance to the Victory Ropes Linear Doubles. This not only makes the conditioning drill more challenging but also allows multiple athletes to perform the running drill at the same time. The Victory Ropes Linear Doubles is a multi-faceted running drill which can be performed both indoors and outside.

Utilizing resistance during training sessions is a great way for athletes to bring a greater level of intensity to their training and to achieve increases in running conditioning and greater strength when changing directions while running.

Victory Ropes Linear Doubles: Setting Up The Conditioning Drill

To set up and perform the conditioning drill athletes will need 2 Victory Ropes, 4 Speed and Agility Cones, and a partner. Athletes will first connect the Victory Ropes and create loops which the athletes can place around their waists. Athletes can connect the Victory Ropes by first locating the anchor straps at the end of each Victory Rope. Athletes will take one of the Victory Ropes and feed it through one of the anchor straps on the opposite Victory Rope, then loop this same Victory Rope through one of its own anchor straps and pull the Victory Ropes so they are tight. After the Ropes are connected athletes will feed the middle of both Victory Ropes through their remaining anchor straps to create a hoop which can be placed around each athletes waist.

Once athletes have the Victory Ropes set up for the conditioning drill they will place the Speed and Agility Cones in the proper configuration. Since the maximum stretch distance of two Victory Ropes is 40 feet athletes will want to stay within these parameters. Athletes will place two Speed and Agility Cones 35 feet apart then place the remaining Speed and Agility Cones 5-8 feet inside of each of the already placed Speed and Agility Cones. This will allow athletes to be challenged by the resistance provided by the Victory Rope while still allowing them the ability to complete the entire running drill.

Athletes will place the Victory Ropes around their waist and line up at the Speed and Agility Cones in the middle of the conditioning drill set up. Athletes will position themselves so they are both facing the same direction with one athlete looking at the front partners back during the conditioning drill.

Victory Ropes Linear Doubles: Great Conditioning Drill To Perform With A Partner

Athletes will begin the conditioning drill by having one athlete sprint forward to the far Speed and Agility Cone while the opposite athlete performs a backward sprint toward the Speed and Agility Cone to the rear of them. Upon reaching these Speed and Agility Cones athletes will change their direction and backpedal or forward sprint toward the opposite Speed and Agility Cone. Athletes will continue this explosive motion for a continuous 20 seconds before resting for 90 -120 seconds. The amount of rest will be determined by the athletes fatigue, age, and level of conditioning. Athletes will complete 5-6 sets of the conditioning drill.

The Victory Ropes Linear Doubles is a great team conditioning drill because of the randomized level of resistance which is controlled by the other athlete performing the conditioning drill. As one athlete is running forward the opposite athlete is backpedaling away from them creating more tension on the Victory Ropes and increasing the intensity of the conditioning drill for both athletes. As athletes move back toward the middle Speed and Agility Cones the resistance will become less. Athletes should work to tap the ground even with each Speed and Agility Cone as they sprint and backpedal toward the cones.

Coaches and athletes can increase the intensity of the Victory Ropes Linear Doubles drill by pairing athletes who sprint at different speeds. By generating greater randomization of resistance during the conditioning drill athletes will be forced to work on controlling their body as the level of resistance rapidly changes throughout the conditioning drill. This drill creates a greater level of body control for the athlete which translates into improved speed and agility during competition.

A soccer player who is sprinting down the field while dribbling the ball will require a greater amount of body control when they encounter a defender they must elude or fight through in order to continue down the field. Athletes will less body control may be knocked over or lose control of the soccer ball if they do not have strong body control.

Strength And Conditioning By Adding Speed and Agility To Training Sessions

Improving on strength and conditioning is a great way for athletes to improve both running endurance and maximal running speed. Athletes need to also ensure they are focusing on improving their speed and agility during their training sessions. Utilizing drills which focus on improving the speed at which the muscles of the hip flexors and legs fire, athletes will be be ready for game like situations. Speed drills like the Kbands Wall Drill are a great way for athletes to maximize the strength and conditioning training performed during the Victory Ropes Linear Doubles. These conditioning drills focus on increasing the rate at which the legs can move. This will help athletes to maximize speed, increase their vertical jumping ability, and improve overall agility.

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