Basketball Speed Drills For Kids With Resistance Bands

Basketball Speed Drills For Kids With Resistance Bands

Published by Trevor Theismann on 16th Oct 2018


Basketball Speed Drills For Kids With Resistance Bands

This is a great team basketball drill that can be completed with partners. Each basketball player should find an athlete with similar strength on their team. Players will utilize a green Ballistic Band and a set of Kbands per athlete. Let’s take a look at the video and then break down each element of the drill.

Anchor The Basketball Player

The first portion of this exercise will be completed in an anchored position. Each basketball player holding the Ballistic Band will apply at constant resistance to anchor the active athlete in place. This athlete should be running as quickly as possible driving their knee up focusing on hip flexor explosiveness. After about 10 to 15 seconds the anchor will then apply less resistance allowing the basketball player to start moving forward. The first portion will act as a pre-exhaust, while the second portion will challenge the dig phase of your sprint.

What Basketball Player Should Not Do

Each anchor should be focused on the athlete in front of them. Pay attention and make sure that they do not fall down. Applying consistent resistance is required for the stability of the drill. When it’s time for the athlete to run forward, the anchor should lighten the load slightly. Do not let go of the band or rush forward. Take some time and learn how to apply the proper amount of resistance. With a combination of Kbands and the anchored Ballistic Band, athletes will feel the burn throughout their legs. Work explosively and keep the pace high.

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