Ladder Drill With Loop Bands

Ladder Drill With Loop Bands

19th Feb 2019

Ladder Drill With Loop Bands

Ladder training will help develop foot speed. It can also be a great tool to target your hips and create unity throughout your body. Rhythm is a big component of athletic performance. During this drill rhythm will play a key role in your ability to move through the ladder quickly.

Roll out your ladder and find the correct Infinity Loop Band that fits your strength level. Next, begin in a wide athletic stance and hop down through the ladder. Maintain distance between each foot. Focus on gaining ground down the ladder hopping to the next square each movement.

What Do The Infinity Loop Bands Do

If you complete this drill without the Infinity Loop Bands you will see that it is not very challenging. However, if you are slow with your feet or cannot maintain proper rhythm, you may want to begin without any resistance. Though, with proper footwork and rhythm, the Infinity Loop Bands will help increase muscle activation. This simple tool will increase your workout output greatly. With each repetition giving you more results you will understand the difference in training with the Infinity Loop Bands.

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