Add Rapid Response Plyometric Squats To Your Workout To Improve Speed And Stamina
Utilize this drill if you are looking to develop stamina and quickness throughout your legs. To complete this drill properly all you need is your Infinity Loop Bands and some open space. This drill can be completed anywhere. Train on a hard surface, football field, or outdoor park.
Rapid Response Feet Are Important
Rapid response drills are utilized to increase quickness in your feet. The neurotransmitters and connections throughout your body need to be trained just as much as the muscles to improve strength. By completing repetitions with quick feet, you will target the neurological connections utilized to increase movement and speed. Begin moving your feet as quick as you can and increase resistance with the Infinity Loop Bands. Whenever moving your feet with resistance around your thighs, your body has to fight against the resistance. The muscles required to prevent your legs from moving together are the glutes. Creating activation through natural movement will improve your results.
Squat For Stamina
The squat element of this drill is utilized to give your legs and brain a bit of a break. Move up and down for several reps allowing your neurotransmitters to recharge. Next, move back into the rapid response portion of the exercise to complete the workout. Do not complete sets over one minute.