
Standing Rows For Shoulder Strength | Ballistic Bands Upright Row


Standing Rows For Shoulder Strength | Ballistic Bands Upright Row

During the upright row movement athletes will be targeting the muscles which make up the front and side of the shoulders, the trapezius, and rhomboids. As the upright row muscles become fatigued it is important athletes focus on good form. Although the upright row is an effective shoulder strengthening exercise improper form can lead to over tightness in the upper trapezius which can potentially lead to rotator cuff, neck, or shoulder tightness.

This is why it is not only important to always have a major emphasis on form and technique but why it is also important for athletes to stretch before performing any kind of standing row. Proper stretching will allow the athlete to maintain more control over the upright row movement and decrease the likelihood of over tightness developing in the trapezius or other areas of the body.




Upright Row Form And Technique

For athletes to be able to perform a movement like the upright row with good form and technique they must be aware, and practice these good habits on a regular basis. Repetition is the only way to master any kind of movement with the human body.

To begin performing the Ballistic Bands Upright Row athletes will need a set of Ballistic Bands (Red or Black). Athletes will take the Ballistic Band, place the resistance band under both feet (feet armpits length apart) and grasp the handles of the Ballistic Band so the hands are shoulder width apart, and the athletes hands are facing their body.

Once a good starting position for the standing row is achieved athletes will maintain a tall chest with a flat back, pull the shoulder blades back and down, and pul the handles of the Ballistic Bands straight up the athletes body. As the athlete performs the upright row the hands should be kept as close to the body as possible. As the hands climb up the body the athletes elbows should always stay above the hands. Athletes will raise the upright row motion until the elbows are even with the shoulders.

Once the top portion of the upright row has been reached athletes will begin to lower the Ballistic Bands in a slow and controlled motion. As athletes lower back to the starting position of the upright row athletes will want to stop before the arms become perfectly straight. If athletes can maintain a slight bend in the elbows at the bottom of the Ballistic Bands Upright Row then they will be able to challenge the muscles of the shoulders and upper back by not allowing the tension to come of the muscles for even a moment. This constant tension throughout the upright row movement will allow for greater muscles activation and strength to be gained in the shoulder and upper back regions of the athlete.

Maintaining a stabilized position with the shoulders by squeezing the shoulder blades back and down will allow for proper movements and distribution of the tension to all of the proper regions of the body. If athletes are performing the Ballistic Bands Upright Row and notice an excessive amount of raising of the shoulder and shortening of the neck then a lower amount of resistance should be utilized for the standing rows.


Kbands Ballistic Bands


Ballistic Bands Upright Row

Once athletes have warmed up and mastered the technique required to perform the standing row athletes will begin the Ballistic Bands Upright Row. Athletes will perform upright rows for 20-30 seconds before stopping and taking a 20-30 second rest period. Athletes will perform 6-8 resisted rounds of the Ballistic Bands Upright Rows before moving on in their strength training or athletic training session.

Athletes will only want to perform the Ballistic Bands Upright Rows after a great shoulder stretching and warm up session has been completed. Athletes can go to the Training or Recovery Sections to learn more about how to properly stretch and warm up the muscles of the shoulder, upper back, and rotator cuff.

When deciding the placement of the upright row exercise into a training program athletes and coaches must consider two things. One, what is the goal of the athlete. If the goal of the athlete is to add strength for an upcoming season of competition then this upright row exercise should be performed after bigger compound lifts (Squats, Rows, Deadlifts) or can be placed within a circuit during a team or group training session. If athletes goals are more speed and agility oriented then the Ballistic Bands Upright Rows should be performed at the end of a training session, after all sprint work, speed and agility training, and quickness drills have been completed.

Athletes always want to orient their workouts toward the skills and adaptations which will help them the most in their upcoming season of competition. Periodization of workouts will help athletes to focus and transition from one facet of training to another while still achieving great physical adaptations and advancing skill sets.

Challenging Upright Row Muscles

There are to ways to effectively challenge and fatigue the muscles involved in performing the Ballistic Bands Upright Row. One way is to perform a large amount of challenging repetitions which specifically high light the upright row movement. The second way is by combining 2 or more exercises which utilize similar muscles or muscle groups and varying levels of resistance and tempo to challenge the strength, stability, and endurance of the targeted upright row muscles.

Effective upper body strength training exercises which can be combined with the Ballistic Bands Upright Row in a circuit, or superset style training session include the Dynamic Strength XP, The Arm Burning Battle Ropes Workouts, or the KB Powerbands Shoulder Progression. All of these different strength and conditioning exercises use different types of sports training equipment to help athletes build overall strength, stability, and even help to improve cardiovascular strength. A great amount of variety during athletic training will allow for greater adaptation by the body as it is constantly challenged in new and different ways.

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