
How To Get Better At Pushups | Ballistic Bands Max Resistance Pushup Workout

How To Get Better At Pushups | Ballistic Bands Max Resistance Pushup Workout

The pushup exercise is a motion which engages the chest, shoulders, and triceps as the main movers. The muscles of the back, core, and arms act as stabilizers for the body as the up and down motion of the pushup is completed. When athletes are working on how to get better at pushups they need to be sure the muscles of the back and upper shoulder region are contracted in order to stabilize the movement and reinforce proper muscle recruitment during the exercise.

Athletes who perform pushup workouts with poor form may experience injuries or extreme tightness in the upper trapezius, neck, shoulder, or elbow regions.



How To Get Better At Pushups

When athletes are working on how to get better at pushups they need to ensure proper form is executed. As was stated before proper form and technique throughout the pushup workout will allow for proper recruitment and firing of muscles making the pushup workout more intense, effective, and safe.

To execute a correct pushup athletes will need to begin in the kneeling position. The goal of the pushup workout is not to get as close to the ground as possible, but instead to lower and raise the body in a controlled manner. Athletes will step their feet back and keep their hips off the ground. Athletes hands should be placed directly under the shoulder and in line with the chest. A straight line going down the body should be maintained throughout the entire pushup workout. Athletes will engage their abs, squeeze their shoulder blades back and down as they lower themselves toward the ground in a controlled manner. Athletes goal during their pushup workouts should be to lower themselves as far as they can, while still maintaining control and proper body positioning.

As athletes learn how to get better at pushups the depth of their pushups will increase and more repetitions can be completed.

How To Get Better At Pushups With Added Resistance

There are a few ways athletes can learn how to get better at pushups. Adding additional repetitions to pushup workouts will allow the athletes stamina to be increased, and changing paces can also challenge the strength and stamina of the muscles in the chest, shoulders, and arms. The best way for athletes to use pushups workouts to add additional strength to the chest shoulders, and arms is to add some form of resistance. The Ballistic Bands Max Resistance Pushup Workout is a resisted pushup workout which will not only challenge the muscles on the chest, shoulders, and arms but this full body movement will force the body to stabilize and work together to complete the pushup workout.

To perform the Ballistic Bands Max Resistance Pushup Workout athletes will need a ballistic band and enough room to lie their body flat on the ground. Athletes will attach the Ballistic Bands around one hand as they allow the Ballistic Bands to cross across their back and secured on the ground with the opposite hand. To review the different levels of resistance for the Ballistic Bands athletes and coaches can go to the Shop Section. Athletes can also utilize different levels of Ballistic Bands to increase the intensity of their pushup workouts.

After proper pushup position in achieved and the Ballistic Band is secured in each hand, and across the back, athletes will begin the Ballistic Bands Max Resistance Pushup Workout. Athletes will perform 3-5 resisted sets of 8-12 repetitions. After all repetitions are finished athletes will perform one final set of the Ballistic Bands Max Resistance Pushup Workout consisting of a drop set or a burnout.

Finishing the pushup workout with a drop set will require the athlete to use 2-3 different resistance levels of the Ballistic Bands. Athletes will begin by performing 8-12 repetitions with whichever Ballistic Band they used to perform their original 3-5 resisted sets of the Ballistic Bands Max Resistance Pushup Workout. Once all repetitions have been finished athletes will immediately switch to performing 8-12 resisted repetitions of the pushup workout with Ballistic Bands which are one resistance level lower. Athletes will continue this progression of moving to one level of lower resistance until a final set with just body weight has been completed. Drop sets are a great way to tax the muscles and increase stamina, size, and strength.


Kbands Ballistic Bands


Finishing the pushup workout with a burnout set will be a much simpler task as athletes will complete all resisted sets of the pushup workout, remove the Ballistic Bands, and then perform as many unresisted pushups as possible. An effective way to still incorporate the Ballistic Bands into the unresisted burnout set is to place the Ballistic Bands around the waist and have a coach or partner provide assistance by gently pulling up and raising the hips. This will allow the athlete to squeeze out extra repetitions at the end of the Ballistic Bands Pushup Workout.

How To Get Better At Pushups And Creating An Effective Pushup Workout

Before any pushup workout athletes need to properly warm up their body by performing flexibility exercises and active warmups. Short, less intense pushup workouts and routines can be used as an active warmup for the chest, shoulders, and arms. Athletes and coaches can refer to the Recovery Section to learn about more active and flexibility exercises which can be performed by athletes before competing or training. Properly warming up an athlete will help to increase their athletic and physical output while reducing the chance of injury.

If athletes are going through a full workout with upper body strength training they should wait until after their strength training is complete to perform the Ballistic Bands Max Resistance Pushup Workout. If athletes are working in a circuit or small group style training routine then the Ballistic Bands Max Resistance Pushup Workout is a great exercise to add in between two leg or higher intensity exercises.

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