Balance XP | Increase Balance And Stability

Balance XP | Increase Balance And Stability

Published by Trevor Theismann on 22nd Nov 2021


Balance XP is a training program designed to improve your balance utilizing the Kbands Training Balance Disk. Inflate the Balance Disk and begin moving through the Balance XP Digital Trainer. It is important that you follow the exercises provided in the video with proper technique. Chest position is very important. Keep an upright positioned chest throughout each exercise. Even when bending over it is important that you adjust your position bending at the hip.


When beginning each training session with Balance XP complete a couple sets standing on the Balance Disk with two feet. Relax your muscles and focus on eliminating the ankle tremble. As soon as you find your center begin moving through the exercises within the video above. Utilize the technique tips provided. If you cannot complete each exercise without help, move closer to a wall for help balancing.

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