
A Powerful Suspension Straps Exercise

Build Core Strength: A Powerful Suspension Training Exercise

Athletes often visit the Kbands Training website in search of athletic training guidance, specific tips on how to build agility during certain moves, and tips on how to increase power in certain areas of the body. One of the body areas that generate the most attention and comments is the core, or the set of four muscle groups that surround the body’s center of gravity and enclose the organs in the lower torso. The core includes the abdominus rectus muscle, or the abs, plus the obliques that curve around the sides at the base of the rib cage. The core also includes the complex muscles of the lower back, the pelvic sling and diaphragm, and the hip flexors that draw the upper leg forward and bring the knee toward the chest.

When the muscles of the core are conditioned, toned and strengthened by an effective core exercise program, other athletic training efforts also become more effective. This is because a tight core aligns the spine and holds it in place, forming a stable anchor for almost every movement the body makes, from running standing and walking to sitting still and moving only the hands or head. With a strong core, the body has the balance and coordination to better support athletic training exercises from swimming to pull ups.




In addition, a strong core creates a cascade of positive health effects. This happens because when the core is conditioned, each one of the four key muscle groups tend to contract involuntarily before the body engages in almost every form of motion. This contraction happens even during sleep, and every time it does, it realigns the spine and reinforces even involuntary aspects of balance, coordination, and control.

So any complete athletic training program focuses some degree of attention on core exercises and core strength. In the video below, Kbands trainers Trevor and Justin demonstrate a challenging core exercise set using the KB Duo suspension training system. Simple but challenging core exercise workouts like this one should be part of any athletic training program, since these core exercises produce benefits that improve performance in every sport.

Core Exercise Moves For Balanced Athletic Training

Before beginning the core exercise set, athletes will need to make sure the KB Duo suspension training equipment is in place and secure. The straps should be attached to a sturdy overhead anchor point, like the squat rack in the video, and the length should be adjusted so the loops of the KB Duo hand down just a few inches above the floor. Once the straps are in place, a partner can help the athlete tuck his feet into the loops from a face down position on the floor.  


Core Exercise Sets with the KB Duo

To begin this challenging core exercise, the athlete should center body weight on the elbows and knees with the feet in the loops, and then should lift the knees off the floor so the lower body is completed supported by the straps.

At this point, the athlete’s back should be straight as a plank from head to foot. The feet should be together, and the elbows should be holding up the front half of the body. The lower body should be able to swing from side to side while the elbows stay anchored.

The athlete should then start swinging the body to left and right, keeping the feet together and the body line straight. After two or three swings, a rhythm should be established that allows the athlete to tuck at the torso and draw the knees toward the chest at the height of each swing. When the body reaches the farthest point to the right, the knees should tuck to the right and then straighten out. As the body swings toward the left, the knees should tuck to the left and then straighten out.

Though this core exercise seems simple, it’s actually quite difficult and places a strong demand on an athlete’s core strength, balance and control. The pressure of the move will be concentrated in the hips, lower back, and lower abs.

The move should be completed ten times per set, with a rest period of about 30 seconds in between each set. Since the move works better with a partner, the rest period offers an opportunity for the second partner to step in and complete ten reps while the first partner rests and acts as a spotter. The entire core exercise should include about five total sets. The first few sets will establish a sense of rhythm and balance and the last three will create a powerful burn in the targeted muscle groups.

Core Development and Athletic Training

While core development can take place using a variety of exercises, including body weight workouts and weight machines, the best core exercise moves are those that demand agility, coordination and balance. When the subtle muscles that contribute to balance are taxed, the core becomes more flexible and agile in addition to gaining strength. This exercise keeps the hips and core in constant motion, which keeps the balance muscles, activated and can help athletes run, jump, change direction, and respond to action on the field with sharpened reflexes.

Athletic Training with the KB Duo

Like this core exercise, most of the athletic training exercises designed for the KB Duo place emphasis on balance and control. To learn more about the biomechanical principles behind the suspension training system, or to learn more about the added resistance and balance of benefits of the Kbands and the KB Powerbands, log onto Kbands The site provides guidance, tips and videos that can show users how to get the most out of resistance and suspension athletic training equipment, as well as articles demonstrating the supportive benefits of proper nutrition, stretching, sleep and stress management. Kbands training offers a complete body conditioning and athletic training resource that can help both coaches and players across a wide range of sports.

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