During this episode we review a summer training program. It includes not only speed and agility recommendations, but also weight training in two different segments. One will focus on youth athletics, while the next segment focuses on a detailed high school weightlifting program. Below is a link to the speeding agility program. If you do not have a set of Kbands you can complete this exercise program without them. Download the videos and calendars so you know which workouts to do on which day. Below I have also pasted in the weightlifting break down as well.
Here is a link to download the athlete performance series workouts and booklet. https://kbandstraining.com/download/#kbands
Monday (Chest & Triceps)
1. Bar Bench (5 sets 15-12-12-8-8)
2. Cable Cross Over (4 sets/5 reps)
3. Incline Ham. Mach. (4sets 12 reps)
4. Singles Palm Up (7 sets 12 reps)
5. Plate Overhead Ext (2 sets max reps)
Tuesday (Legs & Core)
1. Narrow Smith Squats (5 sets 12 reps)
2. Leg Press (5 sets 15-15-10-8-8)
3. Quad Ext. (4 sets 12 reps)
4. Straight Leg Deadlift (5 sets 15 reps 30s rest)
5. Hamstring curls (2 sets 20 reps)
Wednesday (Back & Bis)
1. DB Reverse Fly (5 sets/12 reps)
2. Lat Pull down (20-15-15-8-8)
3. Lat Raise (4 sets 12 reps)
4. Straight Arm splits (3 sets 15 reps)
5. Straight Bar Row (2 sets/20 reps)
Thursday (abs)
1. Hanging Leg Raise (4 sets 30 seconds)
2. DB Ball Crunches (6 Sets Heavy DB to Max)
3. Ball Rollers (4 sets 20 reps)
4. Planks (2 sets 1 min holds)
Friday (Bis & Tris)
1. Palm Up Pushdown (4 sets 12 reps)
2. DB Overhead Ext (3 sets 12)
3. Narrow Push-ups (4 sets max)
4. Straight Bar Curls (5 sets 12 reps)
5. DB Heavy Singles (5 sets 10 reps)
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