
How To Develop Speed

How To Develop Speed With Hip Flexor Strength

The hip flexor muscles are located around the thigh and lower abdominal area. These muscles consist of muscles which help to flex the thighs and abdomen toward each other, stabilize the hips and rump, and help the body stay in good alignment during physical activity.

Athletes who take the time to target, train, and maintain flexibility in the hip flexors will learn how to develop speed at a much faster rate. Exercises which require rapid flexion at the hips, squats, step ups, and Resisted Mountain Climbers can all be effective exercises to train the hip flexors and legs on how to develop speed.

Athletes can increase the effectiveness and intensity of any how to develop speed drill, or hip flexor strengthening exercise by adding resistance to the training drill. The Kbands Leg Resistance Bands are an effective resisted training tool to use when learning how to develop speed. Providing varying amounts of resistance just above the knees allows the athlete to run, jump, and perform additional sport related movements while working against the resistance from the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands. Athletes can go to the Training Section to learn about additional resisted training drills or go to the Shop Section to learn more about Kbands Leg Resistance Bands and the advantages of performing athletic training with them.



How To Develop Speed And Maintain Speed Through Flexibility

Every athlete, no matter what sport they play or what level they compete, cannot learn how to develop speed if they have overly tight hip flexors, hamstrings, or calves. Just like with any other part of the body the more drills to learn how to develop speed (particularly ones which target the hip flexors) the athlete completes, the tighter these muscles will become. A good nutrition plan and staying hydrated will help the body to recover these muscles after an intense day of speed drills. But athletes should take extra measures to ensure the functionality, mobility, and flexibility of these key hip flexor and leg muscles.

Before performing how to develop speed drills athletes can ensure the hip flexor muscles are firing and functioning properly by performing a series of Dynamic Warm Ups. Athletes can perform How To Develop Speed Dynamic Warm Ups with or without the use of Kbands Leg Resistance Bands. Athletes can also perform resisted sets of the Dynamic Warm Up, immediately followed by unresisted Dynamic Warm Up Exercises.

In addition to Dynamic Warm Up Exercises with Kbands Leg Resistance Bands athletes can learn how to develop speed with less tightness by performing Recovery Exercises with the Recovery Foam Roller. Athletes can use the Rejuvenating Stretching Sequence to keep the legs and body healthy as the athlete learns how to develop speed.


Increase Speed With Kbands


Build Hip Flexor Strength And Teach Yourself How To Develop Speed

The Kbands Wall Run is one of the best hip flexor building exercises for teaching the body how to develop speed. The short sets and high intensity will help athletes learn how to develop speed and knee drive through resisted, and unresisted sets, as well as varying the tempo of the how to develop speed drill.

To learn how to develop speed with the Kbands Wall Run athletes will need a set of Kbands Leg Resistance Bands and a wall, goal post, or any other sturdy object. Athletes will securely attach the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands just above their knees. Athletes will then place their body at a 45 degree angle to the wall, or sturdy object, fully extending the arms so the hands are just above the athletes head.

Athletes need to keep their arms locked out throughout the drill as athletes are focusing on learning how to develop speed with the Kbands Leg Resistance Bands. Athletes do not want the arms bending and taking tension from the hip flexors and legs. Athletes will want to maintain a straight line from the base of the neck, down to the heels. This can be accomplished by keeping the neck in a neutral position, by engaging the abs, and engaging the glute muscles.

Athletes should also think about pushing the wall away from themselves as they drive through the how to develop speed drill. This pushing away of the wall will help to keep a more rigid torso by engaging the lats and muscles of the mid and upper back. Athletes should always remember that the straighter their torso, legs, and arms are the faster they will learn how to develop speed for their sport with the Kbands Wall Run.

Once athletes have their Kbands Leg Resistance Bands attached, and are in a good position to teach their legs how to develop speed, they will begin the Kbands Wall Run by alternating driving the knees up. Athletes will strengthen and teach their body how to develop speed by keeping great alignment, and running form as they work off the balls of the feet, driving the knees up for 12 seconds. Athletes should be learning how to develop speed by giving it everything they have for those 12 seconds, then taking 30-40 seconds to recover before the next set of the Kbands Wall Runs. Athletes will perform 5-6 resisted sets of the Kbands Wall Run before moving into the next phase of the how to develop speed drills.

How To Develop Speed With Kbands Leg Resistance Bands

After athletes complete the Kbands Wall Run they will move into the Kbands Hesitation Wall Run. Athletes will perform the leg drives in sets of three alternating drives, slightly pausing at the top of the third knee drive before repeating the sequence. Athletes should be alternating which knee is pausing at the top of the how to develop speed drill.

Athletes will complete 5-6 sets of 12 second rounds, allowing 30-40 seconds of rest between sets of the how to develop speed drill. After completing all resisted sets of the Kbands Wall Run Combo For How To Develop Speed athletes will complete two unresisted sets of the traditional Kbands Wall Run and the Hesitation Wall Run. Focus on leg turnover during unresisted sets to teach fast twitch muscle fibers how to develop speed.

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